Jon Dough All For The Rough Stuff

Jon Dough, who appears in both volumes of Rough Sex, said he felt compelled to throw his two cents in regarding the Rough Sex debate. Ditto for Monique DeMoan, Dough's gal pal.

Dough: "I've been keeping up on the Internet, your coverage has been pretty unbiased and fair, but I'm the most politically incorrect around. I don't play politics, I'll just tell you the truth. I've been in the program four month's clean and sober. We're not crazy anymore, and thing's are boring. We're back to doing motorcycle rides on the weekend, Actually, the only exciting thing for me has been that rough sex-stuff. I thought they were going to do more scenes of that stuff. Personally, I like it."

Dough in a scene with Kelsey Heart and Mickey G. in Rough Sex 2 that['s particularly wincing.

Dough: "That was a good one. That's good TV, man, you know it is. That keeps your attention. I was having a good time. You can tell. Just look at it, you can tell. I don't give a shit what people think about me. It was fun and I know she [Heart] came a couple of times. Actually, she goes to meetings, too. I started running into her at meetings. I started seeing her around town. Another one was Jewel Valmont. Mickey did a scene with her where she came three times. I swear to God. She just wouldn't stop. They gotta like it a little bit if they're coming like that.

Monique DeMoan: "I can't understand somebody doing it if they don't really like it. The way I got into it, everything was explained to me before I even got down there. Everything was put out, how far I wanted to go, would I do this, would I do that.

Dough: "And when you get there, they explain it again. Then, after that, they get it on videotape. It was like, my God, come on already, are we going to shoot this, or what? But everybody knows what they're getting into. I drove out to Marina Del Rey and wasted gas where Chris tried to give me a kill fee. I didn't need to, but they killed scenes and I understand. I'm all about new stuff. I've always tried something new. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. But I can understand why people are getting worried. They don't want to lose their million dollar businesses. Porn has gone down the tubes. I mean, is there such a thing as politically correct porno?

"This got a little exciting for me. I got tired of doing those love triangle stories over and over again. It's the same fucking thing over and over, but I love doing gonzo-stuff.

"Sobriety's number one, right now. We don't give a shit about anything else. I got to do the sober-thing or there's not going to be anything else. It was to the point where Savannah was, except we didn't go all the way with it. It was that bad.

DeMoan: "Really bad."

Dough: "In the meantime I'm doing scenes for friends and it's great. It gives us plenty of money, and later on I'll do my own scenes. But we made a goal for ourselves, we have to be sober a year. Personally, I think this is good publicity. Anabolic should keep doing it [the series]. But they got other things they gotta think about. People are getting...weird. Nobody makes the girls do anything. Everything's consensual as has always been in our business. They don't want to do it, don't do it. But my feeling is that they'll be quitting the series. I feel that's too bad.

DeMoan: "It's something different for a change. Everybody's been wanting to do it, somebody finally did it. A lot of people do that at home in their personal life. We do."

DOUGH: "Monique will tell you a story about her and Mr. Marcus. She laughed.

DeMoan: "If you saw the uncut scene before they edited it, he slapped me [in Rough Sex 1] across the face and I started laughing my ass off. Everybody was dead silent. He hit me really hard, and the look on his face was like, whoa. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't believe I was laughing. Of course they had to cut that scene. They didn't want me laughing."

Dough [laughing]: "She does that to me. It pisses me off even more. She can take those slaps from Marcus because she's been living with me for so many years. Anything he dishes out, she has to laugh at."

DeMoan: "I had a great time doing it. I realize that my scenes were mild compared to the other scenes. But these girls know what they're getting into. I know what I was going to do. Some of the stuff that they cut out, I couldn't believe. My scene was pretty rough, but they cut a lot of it out. Probably because I was laughing."

Dough [laughing]: "She's amazing, man. You slap her as hard as you can, she'll laugh at you. That's how it gets to the point where you want to kill her and the police come. If she just acted scared a little bit, it would be all over. Quicker. Tell everybody to relax. I think a lot of people are jealous, they didn't think of it and don't have the balls to do it. A lot of people want it because they're buying it, but what the hell do I know? All the girls I worked with had a good time on it, though."