Jim DiGiorgio Up In Arms Over Bo Comments

The ante to get The Madam out of post production hock keeps rising according to Jim DiGiorgio. Remarks made yesterday by Bo Kenney have DiGiorgio consulting Roget's 21st Century thesaurus for new ways to say "piece of shit" and "lying cocksucker."

DiGiorgio: "I don't know if this guy is so fuckin' strung out on drugs that he doesn't know reality. I can't believe the lies this guy's telling. I can't wait until he calls me up. I'm going to tell him you lied like nobody's fucking business [to geneross.com]. I was there for this shit. I saw what fuckin' happened. My partner Kenny has sense? He has no sense. Know why? Kenny'll tell him to go fuck himself, too. The movie's done [The Madam]. He ain't gettin' the fuckin' movie. There is no he'll get the movie then pay us for it. He better show up with fuckin' cash. Next week it goes up another hundred bucks. I'm done with this guy. He jacked me around last time paying me, he jacked Gigi around three times when it came to sending copies of Plaid [another Kendra Jade movie]. She's hung for UPS shipping charges. He's a piece of shit. He's talking lawyers? He wants to get a lawyer with me. He hired me to do a job, I did the job, he doesn't want to pay me. And he did see the movie before. Kevin Beech has seen the fuckin' movie. And he told me Kevin Beech is distributing it. Give the fuckin' movie to Kevin Beech. Which I did. I'll prove him a fuckin' lawyer on every word that he says. I can't believe this fuckin' guy. Tell Bo to keep fuckin' lyin and I'll keep raising the price finding ways to raise it. He wants me to change Star World to LGI? Fine. Five hundred bucks for a title change, that dick. That movie cost him 12 grand already, it's going to cost him 12 to get it out of post. And he can't do jackshit about it. I got it. He asked please make me a master. Please make screeners for me. We did all that fuckin' work. I didn't charge him for that, now he's getting charged for it. This is my second set of masters for this fuckin' cocksucker. I'm done with him. He's pissed me off.

"He's calling around town telling people not to do work with us. He called Marty at VCA and asked Marty if Marty could try and put him and Rob together to make a deal. Marty calls us and says, 'I know Bo a long time. I know his father. Can you back off and make a deal?' We made a deal with him, then he turned around and said, 'fuck you; we don't have a deal.' Just like an addict does. Marty finally said, 'fuck him.' He's [Bo] burning his bridges all around town. Kevin thinks he's a fuckin' idiot. They think he's an idiot at VCA. Everybody thinks he's a fuckin' idiot. 25 years in the business? Go fuck yourself and your 25 years. Stick it up your ass. How many of those years did you spend in prison, asshole?

"Let me tell you how this went down. Bo went to breakfast with Rob. He was up at the fuckin' house and he didn't have the fuckin' money. He didn't send the money when he was supposed to. He didn't have the money there. He said he left it in an envelope. Then he said to Rob I'll meet you for breakfast. They went to breakfast for three fuckin' hours. Still didn't have the fuckin' money. Then he said I'll meet you at VCA. Rob went to VCA, sat at VCA for a fuckin' hour like an idiot, and he never showed up there. He never called. Just like he never showed up at my fuckin' place when he was supposed to. The guy's a lying cocksucker."

Rob Spallone then got on the phone and started reading aloud Bo's comments posted on this yesterday.

Rob Spallone adds: "The mail. He's saying that he sent checks and it came back. When I moved out of that house, I had filled out all those cards. I get all my mail sent over to Jim's office. Kendra gets her mail sent some where, so that's bullshit. How could anybody want a contract girl who doesn't want to be in the contract? I'm writing little notes..His own friends think he's a punk and a bullshit artist. That's his own friends from the day that he threatened to come up and kick my ass, then he didn't want to because they didn't want to help him. He said we didn't meet for breakfast in that restaurant. We sat there for three hours; then he said he forgot the checkbook. He called me in about two hours. Four hours later I called him. He had the girl Cassidy in his hotel room. I said, 'Bo, I'm shooting tomorrow. I need this check.' He said where are you. I said I'm at VCA. I was in Marty and Ed's office. He said I'll meet you there in 15 minutes.

"I hung out with them. He never showed. The next day I had already booked the shoot, so I decided this guy don't want to do the movie, I'll do it. It'll be my movie. Then he came up and we talked. I said give me the money and the movie will be yours. I don't care. He gave me that money.

"He said he was going to kick my ass? I waited but he never showed up. I get a check from him made out to Star World Productions, I deposit it, and then I write the checks. That's always how I work. No one ever pays my talent that I hire.

"He said he doesn't do drugs? What was he smoking in my house and snorting in my house the day of the shoot.

"He stole Tyce Bune's name, made him buy it. What he does is he wants to build up a website company. As far as shooting movies, he was taking a shot at doing this, and he figured I'll just use Kendra Jade and sell them to people. He was going to sell them to David and Kevin for product. He was going to try and do it with Larry [Fields] for product. But what he did was he wanted to meet people. And every girl that he met he bullshitted every one of them. He did steal peoples' names figuring if they want a website they'll have to go through him. The girl Bridgett Kerkove, he talked to her about putting up a website. She said no thank you I'm going to be doing my own. Then, like a week later, he took her name. This guy is full of shit; let him deny any of that stuff.