Jim DiGiorgio: "Bo Wants to Impoverish Kendra"

At $3500, Jim DiGiorgio says Bo's getting a better deal on the editing than any other post house in Hollywood would give him.

DiGiorgio: "The guy [Bo] called my partner yesterday to have a screener sent to him in case he wants any more changes. I've already done a whole set of changes for him. Because Kendra won't have sex with, Bo wants to impoverish her. It's all because she won't suck his dick which I've overheard myself. I think this is what it all comes down to.

"The thing about David Sturman is interesting. I was in a chat room and David was asking me about the movie- the content, the scenes. Bo had already told me he was giving it to Kevin Beech. So I spoke with Bo the next day and said Bo, David still thinks that he's getting the movie. You told me you're giving it to Kevin. Bo told me David could fuck himself that he has enough money."

G. Ross: "So movie, movie, who's got the movie?"

DiGiorgio: "I got the movie, and Bo can fucking sue me with all his attorneys. The bottom line is that I was hired to cut the movie and I'm not letting that master go until I get paid. The movie has Kendra, Cherry Mirage, Bobbi Bliss, Herschel Savage, Alec Metro and two Oriental girls. I think that's the cast. It's a feature. When Bo hired us these movies were supposed to be gonzos. I gave him a feature for the same fucking money as a gonzo. Out of the six movies in the contract this has been the only one produced. I'm in a precarious position. I hate to hold a master for ransom against money because you're always thinking about future work. You don't want to have your business relationship based on holding things for ransom. But in this business unless I have a really established client, I want my money when I deliver the product. I have costs associated. My equipment costs me $6,000 a month. Then there's rent. It's not just my sweat labor to cut a movie. Why should I have to sit and wait for it? Anyone who works on production gets paid when the movie's shot. You don't wait 30 days. I don't see any difference.

"Bo's deals change every couple of days. He makes a deal, he breaks a deal. Last week he wanted to come over here. He said he'd be there 7 o'clock. We sat here till 9, he didn't call; he didn't show. I'm so wary of this whole thing I'm not going to let anything go. It's going to have to be cash. That's the way it is.