Jim DiGiorgio About X Show Review: What Me Worry

Director Jim DiGiorgio comments about The X Show's review of The Sopornos on its Monday night show.

DiGiorgio: "Hey, they didn't like it, they didn't like it. What are you going to do? We got a lotta good reviews on that movie. But I'll tell you something. The thing that really means something in this business is sales. That movie has sold extremely well, both on video and DVD. And all the soft sales are really strong. That movie probably cost a quarter of the two movies that it was up against. I would have liked a better review on a regular TV show, but oh well. AVN gave us a great review and we've gotten great reviews elsewhere. So there you go."

G. Ross: "What do critics know anyway?"

DiGiorgio: "All I know is what I get back from companies that I make movies for is they want to talk about sales - how well the movie did on video or DVD. This movie has done tremendously in all those areas and that's what really counts. VCA would have loved to have gotten a positive mainstream review, but they didn't. But I don't think that affects anything. It certainly doesn't affect my relationship with them as Bo would like to theorize on his site, which, by the way, Luke Ford didn't write that crap. I believe Luke's on his way to Australia if I'm not mistaken. And Bo misquoted everything on the fucking show. We had struck a deal with a third party who owns a large company, that Bo would take all the shit about me off his site and wouldn't talk about me and I wouldn't talk about him. That deal was made about four days ago, and, apparently, he must have had a rough weekend with the coke up his nose and the Ecstasy up his ass and couldn't remember he made a deal. He had to start talking shit about me again. That's the way the guy is. Every single deal he's mentioned in on the Internet, everybody's calling him a fucking liar. But of course he says everyone else is a liar. He lied about Luke Ford writing that. He lied about the quotes on the show. He even had the nerve to post your coverage of The X Show right above what he posted, and, of course, the quotes didn't match in terms of what was said. Let the rest of the world be the judge. That's the way I look at it."

G. Ross: "There's supposed to be a sequel, right?"

DiGiorgio: "Yeah. They keep talking about it at VCA. That hasn't stopped."

G. Ross: "Is there a script yet?"

DiGiorgio: "No. We'd like to shoot it in New York, actually. We want to shoot at least the non-sex portions in New York and maybe a couple of the sex scenes. That's what we're talking about. But I'm fairly confident there will be a sequel before long...there's been write ups in TV Guide a couple of times, Entertainment Weekly; it's been mentioned on I don't know how many radio stations, on Howard Stern; now even with a bad review on The X Show, how many adult movies get that kind of mainstream coverage, good or bad. And most of it has been favorable. Like very, very few do.

"I talked to a store owner back east about three weeks ago, and he told me that he had to put more rental copies out after Entertainment Weekly put a little tiny blurb in. Everybody was coming in asking for it. But I haven't talked to Rob because James Gandolfini was supposed to come up there. First it was Saturday, then it was Sunday because he was in for the SAG awards. I don't know if today happened or not. I'm hoping it did because Rob really wants a picture of himself with him. He saw parts of the movie and liked it. The executive producer of The Sopranos saw it on Command in Hawaii and bought 15 or 20 copies from VCA to give out to cast and crew. They like it. The X Show didn't. Oh well."