Jill Kelly Injures Arm Breaking Into Own Home

Jill Kelly severed her brachial artery, located in her upper right arm, while attempting to break into her own residence in the early morning of February 1. rnrn


Kelly is currently in Cedars-Sinai recuperating from a vein graft that saved her arm. She is due to be released later today. rnrn

Kelly went out with friends for an early celebration of her birthday on January 31. She returned to her Hollywood residence at approximately 3 a.m. to find that she had lost her keys. She decided to break a small pane window of her residence and let herself in. rnrn

Unfortunately, she hit the window harder than she realized and her arm went through the pane all the way to her elbow, severing muscle, nerves, and her brachial artery in the process. rnrn

Fortunately, a group of friends including Haven, Tyler Faith, and Devon Davis were on site, and called an ambulance. Kelly was rushed to Cedars-Sinai where she underwent approximately five hours of surgery where a missing segment of her brachial artery was replaced with a vein from her groin, most likely the saphenous vein. rnrn

Initially Kelly was facing a 75% chance of losing her arm, though she now seems on the path to total recovery. rnrn

"They say I'm healing quick and I'm pretty tough so I should be allright. I have feeling in my pinky now. I don't have feeling in my index finger or my middle finger yet, but I can move them around now," Kelly told AVN.com. rnrn

Kelly also underwent plastic surgery to minimize scarring of the affected areas. She now faces one to six months of physical therapy to regain full movement.rnrn

"I wish I could say I was doing something glamorous and heroic like saving a kitty or a puppy from a burning building, but no - it was just plain ignorance," admitted Kelly. rnrn

"I haven't had a cigarette in four days and something good should come out of this. So I think I'm just going to quit," she added. rnrn

Always the adult entrepreneur, Kelly is looking forward to returning to work after a mandatory three-to-four-week hiatus. "Our next feature is called Screwless - I might give myself a cameo - you've got to keep things going ya know," quipped Kelly.