Jill Kelly

Lysa Stone reports: "Hi Gene. I'd love to tell you about our new venture here at Astral Ocean. We have built a hotel. Actually, it's a 24-hour live-cam website called www.hotelbabes.com

We have fixed up a regular Valley office building to resemble a women's hotel of a sort, like the places girls stayed when they went to New York seeking a career. There are bedrooms, a full-service gym (wanna work out with the babes?), a spa and even a laundry room. There are regular residents that live there (actually they're more gorgeous than regular) and our membership base is climbing daily.

In a happy coincidence, Jill Kelly has lost her affiliation with the host company that was producing her live site, Wired Pink. As she is of course, part of the Astral group, she decided to move her operations to www.hotelbabes.com. So that's where you can find Jill TODAY, resuming her live scenes both solo and with her man Julian (reports of their breakup have been greatly exaggerated).

As I mentioned, if you'd like to come work out with some of the girls or just take a walk around, you're always welcome. There is a section on the site for webmasters as well. Our affiliate program is up and running and complete streaming packages are very competitively priced. Webmasters can call me at (818) 886-6484 or email me at [email protected] Thanks so much. Lysa Stone."