Jeff Mike sucked back into website warfare.

Jeff Mike, who vowed to go Internet cold turkey, got, inadvertently, sucked back into website warfare. Mike's stewing over an ad which has appeared in the foreign magazine, Cinema X. If you compare the Cinema X ad with the artwork of something Mike ran several months ago in AVN, you walk away with the distinct impression that something's rotten in the state of Denmark. Or whatever European country the controversial ad's originating from.

Mike's ad campaign reads: "This is your cock. This is your cock on JM Productions." The foreign ad reads: "Vous Regardez un film x. Vous regardez un Magma." The same cock pictures are featured in both ads.

Mike: "This company in France exactly ripped off my ad. Not only did they rip off the idea, they just scanned the pictures. They're using my exact pictures and everything. Everyone I show it to says, 'They ripped you off!' These fucking assholes scanned my ad because they can't come up with any of their own original ideas. They put their pieces-of-crap movies on my ad. They went way beyond. I tried to call Metro. They did not call me back... and no comment on Kid Vegas."

A call has been put into Greg Alves of Metro, the company that distributes Magma. Alves' office said he wouldn't be in until later this afternoon.