Janine Rumors

Janine Rumors

Internet rumors have been circulating that Janine is contemplating either leaving Vivid or leaving the business. "I can't confirm or deny the rumors," said Vivid P.R. man Brian Gross. "There's speculation, but there's nothing confirmed at this time."

Evil Angel Passes on Pussy Crimes

Tom Zupko of Apocalypse Productions said he was readying a press release to that effect later today, but acknowledges the fact that Pussy Crimes will be released by Arrow Productions. That's all Zupko would say for the time being. Jeff Marton of Evil Angel, which released Apocalypse's first feature, Anal Ball, has this to say.

Marton: "John [Stagliano] took a look at it and was very unhappy with it. He loved Anal Ball. They had a lot of problems with Pussy Crimes. A couple of camera masters were stolen. The guy they had editing it, really fucked up and they had to go back and get it re-edited. They used a lot of the same people they used in the first one which was a turnoff to John. All I heard was that John said it ain't good enough for us. We're not going to put out something that's not up to our standards.

"I got to admit, it put them in a real tough spot. We had already done the chromes, we had already done the boxes. We had already done flyers and publicity. I went along like we were going to release their second movie. When John saw it, he said no way. I've heard other people say the movie ain't that bad. But John's the last word.

"We still have Anal Ball which we're selling for them [Apocalypse]. Hopefully their next movie's going to be real good, John will look at it and say, yes, I want to sell it. There's no personality conflicts or anything like that. It's just that the master they brought in, sucked. I like those guys. John likes them, but he didn't like the second movie they put out. Now he's real gun shy."

Marton said he hadn't watched the feature so he couldn't give an opinion one way or another. "I thought the first one was kind of goofy, but John loved Montana Gunn shooting ice cubes out of her ass," Marton said. "The second one had nothing like that. And it's a bummer, too, because I had a big part in the second one. They put a huge beard on me, and I was an Orthodox Jew. I did the whole thing with an accent. And that was the camera masters they lost."

Tussling with Tawni

Jeff writes: "Gene, First and foremost, if you wanna print this fine. If not that's cool.. I really don't expect any favors from you. But since you are one of Tawni Lyons favorite supporters I think you should know a few things...Geezeeee I think you should know a few things..

"In all reality this girl needs help. She ripped her former partner off 3 grand, and now she is doing me to $900. I am not expecting fair coverage.. but, she does owe a lot of people money and threatened me tonight. Or should I say her "friend" did.. With the Outlaws..[Lyons says they're a motorcycle gang]

" I told the guy to bring em on.. This girl is supposed to be in Tampa with DB, but she flat out ran out of cash because of a rental car... I gave her money upfront for the rental.. She has screwed around in Milwaukee for 3 weeks when she was supposed to be back and do custom videos before Tampa.. But noooo.. Ask DB.. She owes me $900 and called the cops on me tonight when all I wanted to do was to ask her how she plan on paying it back to me.. I mean this is a girl who paraded around the Midwest with Kid Vargas.. I mean Vegas..LOLO She apologized to me for that, saying she was semi insane.. I am not kidding.. But now I am the latest Vegas.. For $900 I can't really get a lawyer.. Shit $500 and what do I have left? Shit, she told the cops I was a stalker.. All I want is my money back.. But due to the law I can't call her anymore.. Plus she is saying that I have no releases for each shoot that I did with her. So tell Mike Hott, or Extreme that she maybe taking me to court and they will get dragged into it too..

"Guy, besides Bob, I think you are the only one that can reason with her.. I just want my money for customs i paid her in advance. That way I can have someone else do them.. Is that not fair??? Please print this on your site.. Shit, she was supposed to have had surgery 2 days ago, and couldn't drive down here to finish customs. However, it's funny she told cops, and where I called her, that she was at work dancing.. Be careful with this girl if you haven't figured that out.. Call her.. She will tell you that I am a stalker.. Yeah right. I have a date with a 23 year old tomorrow.. All I wanted to do was talk to her for 5 minutes on how she was gonna pay me back for the $900 she owes me.... You know what's really bad about this, is that I trusted the girl.. I will call her parents tomorrow.. She actually wouldn't talk to me about it tonight. She had a biker threaten me.. Fine.. I hate to say this, but Kid Vegas was right in letting her go. This girl is psycho... Even if you don't throw this up.. LOL Please email me on your thoughts.. It's appreciated, since you actually went out with her. QLS Jeff

"P.S. I am not a total idiot.. Just because I believed in her....."

Gene sez: "On the issue of fair coverage, I've both emailed and phoned Jeff [Quandt] giving him the opportunity to respond to Tawni Lyons' take on the issue which will now be run. Jeff, so far, hasn't responded."

When contacted, Lyons was very distraught and said she had contacted police because Jeff Quandt had been allegedly phone stalking her. Lyons said she had worked for, and done a number of videos for Quandt whose company is outside of St. Louis. Lyons' girlfriend, Carla, was heard to comment in the background: "He's full of fucking shit and lucky that I don't meet him in person." Lyons said she met Quandt three or four months ago through Dirty Bob and started working for him. Lyons said she was so stressed out over the situation she didn't make the Tampa show.

Lyons: "I called the police on Saturday night because he [Quandt] has been stalking me. I was doing some work with him. He did five videotapes of me that don't have releases. He has two model releases out of seven videos. He never had me fill out the others. When we made an agreement, I was supposed to get half the money for all the videos. I haven't gotten shit. I don't feel like I owe him a damn thing. He fucked me over.This guy has been calling me 150 times. I don't enjoy being called every 10 minutes. He's been verbally abusing me so bad, it's unreal. I had to call the police on the sonofabitch. I never fucked the guy. I don't even like the guy. He's threatened me and physically harmed me before. The cops knew he was a stalker because while I was on the phone with the police, he [Quandt] wouldn't quit calling my cell phone. The police said they were quite familiar with this guy. He's been threatening to call my mother. He's been threatening me. He's threatened my friends. The guy tells me he's in love with me, and I can't even stand to look at him.

"Last time I was out to California, everyone saw that I had bruises on my arms. He did that. That's because he told me he was in love with me and I told him I wasn't; that this is business. [Lyons admits she was staying with Quandt because they were working together.]

"I don't even want to talk about this! I've never had a guy hit me before, and this will never happen again. I just want him to leave me the fuck alone! He won't get out of my asshole! He needs to learn how to separate business and pleasure."

Dirty Bob says Lyons didn't make the Tampa trip and offered as an excuse the fact that she was getting a gall stione removed.

Radio Darklady Update

Darklady writes: "Good news! I will be meeting with JJ McKay, owner of AM 1010 KGUY on Tuesday, September 21 to review and possibly sign a contract for a two-hour (noon to 2pm) Saturday on-air slot for Radio Darklady. If I like the terms of the contract, I'll be broadcasting again beginning October 2nd. I was offered the previous Saturday for a starting date, but I will be in San Francisco attending the Folsom Street Fair that weekend.

"Now I can start booking some interviews again! Thanks to all those who called the station in support of Radio Darklady. http://www.darklady.com "

Thoughts on Tail of the Tape: Scotty Schwartz vs. Ray Anderson; Thoughts on Earl, More Thoughts from Jasmin about Earl

Randy Kaplan writes: "Dear Gene: Thought you'd gotten rid of me? Ha! Loved Quasarman's take on the Scotty Schwartz/Ray Anderson grudge match, but let me add the missing nicknames. Scotty "The Toy" Schwartz, of course, and, as we used to fondly call him around the AVN bullpen, Ray "Roo Man" Anderson. And how could Mike miss out on pointing out The Toy's reach advantage?

Question: If Jasmine paid Earl [Slate], and he cashed the check, how come he has the cancelled check? Did he steal it from Jasmine? Does he think he can cash it a second time? Randy."

Gene sez: "The issue of the checks and their original intention [Jasmin says it was a loan; Slate says it was for damages to reputation] is a full story yet to be told, but Jasmin in a follow-up phone message left this past weekend, adds more thoughts on her busted relationship with Earl Slate.

Jasmin: "This whole thing with Earl, I know you gotta do what you gotta do, but I don't like people using my name for their publicity. Earl basically caused himself all that work. He doesn't get hired because of his attitude, and doing the transsexual movie doesn't help very much; working with gonorrhea at one point doesn't help very much; being arrogant or drunk or a set doesn't help very much, either. I tried to help him get sober, and it's sad that he has a drinking problem. If you're going to right all this stuff, maybe that's something you might want to add. I just want to be kept out of this whole thing."

The Wildlife Saga continues....

Scotty Schwartz writes: "Gene, After reading all of the responses to what happened on the Wildlife set, I'd like to make a few things clear... I have NO problem with Bobby Rinaldi, I happen to like him. As for Ray Anderson, his so called "professionalism" needs to be looked at. He is not a production manager first and foremost. When you have a girl there at 2 pm and you know you don't need her for 6 to 7 hours, tell her right away. His being a director is another thing entirely. Who does a feature without a script? Hello??? Anybody home??? I understand about the make-up artist having to leave, so maybe an hour before he's ready to go, tell the talent to come back. This would of been more than acceptable.

"Anastasia Blue doesn't drive, how would they tell her to take off and come back 5 to 7 hours later without a ride, that's why I was there. I waited with her till 7:30 pm, then I left to get a real dinner, not ragu pasta. Yes, they do feed the talent, but chips and dip doesn't cut it for 5-8 hours.

"As far as myself being called "a pimp" by Ray Anderson, well he must be in fantasyland. I am there to PROTECT the girls and not let people (like him) take advantage of them. Having a girl sit twiddling her thumbs for 9 hours is just that and the amount of money being thrown at her to stay is a load of bull. We were outside for almost 20 minutes talking to people there and neither Bobby or Ray said anything about staying for more cash. Ray just got upset and Bobby was inside. Not that we would of stayed anyway, it wasn't about money, it was about simple common courtesy.

"I did not attempt to 'stir' up any trouble when I walked it, I simply asked her if she would like to stay or go home and after 9 hours, I think this was a simple, harmless question. It was Anastasia's decision to leave, not mine! She was very tired, and felt that she could not work later that evening. It wasn't as thought her scene was even next, she was the 2nd scene coming up when we left and it was already 11:30 pm. We would of been sitting there till well beyond 2 am before she would of gotten started. I wonder if the VCA, Wicked, Vivid girls, or almost any other girl in this business would of stayed that long without doing a thing.

"Yes, I have a certain amount of pride, if you'd like to call it ego than go right ahead. I do have more time in this business (12 years) and the mainstream business (going on 23 years) than a lot of the talent have been alive. I am not going to stand by and watch a company use the talent in this manner. This is my job as their manager. I see to it that people don't do this to them. If they feel they want to go, then we go, if Anastasia would of said to me that she was fine, we would of stayed. I commend Ron Miller and Brooke Hunter for staying. I know they have worked for Ray before and plan to continue to do so. They are good people. Anastasia is as good in her own way, she calls the shots, not Ray Anderson or anyone else.

"Bobby, I would love to have my girls work for you anytime, however I wish that you could just make it so talent doesn't have to site around for so many hours. The 'Gia' incedent you refered to is another story. Ray did not tell either of us that she would be there all day. Her call time was for 10 am and she didn't start her sex scene till 10 pm, what kind of shit is that? Other talent got there after her and were gone long before her..why? Because they know the biz and they want to get in and get home and they would of left if they were in her position. This was her 2nd movie and she didn't want to rock the boat.

"Most girls do not want to complain if they don't feel well, or if they want to go home but they sure do complain to the other talent or their manager! Is this a bad thing? I think not. And for that extra $100 you paid her (supposedly for her time), you got an extra BJ that wasn't planned. Again, would any other girl have done that? I think not, the more experienced girls would of wanted more money, but we let if go. When Lucky Smith's girls complain, shit happens! He get's the ball rolling and shit get's done. I strive for that respect, and as someone who has been around for the past 12 years, I feel I deserve it, again Ray if you feel differently I could care less. I know more about this business than you will ever know. You waltzed in to Jim South's bitching about me (after speaking with Jim he told me that we did what he would of done), well tell you what, do me a favor, don't hire my girls if you are going to treat them in this manner. Become a professional Ray and do what should be, hire a real producion manager, maybe Devin? He, JB, and Tiffany Shannahan are the best.

"Bobby, I know you are trying to make the best product possible, I think you are well on your way, I like your product and your production value is great, and I have no problem with Wildlife, however having talent there for anything over 10 hours is not the thing to do. Their performances won't be what you want or need. I do hope we can work again in the future. You are a mench.

"Now on to Quasarman, "Regan Senter with clean clothes"? I don't think so, I don't have to have sex with my girls to get them work. I am trying to get this damn business to run like mainstream, as is Lucky Smith. I am now working on getting all of my girls DBA'd so they can deduct all their expenses on their taxes, getting them some mainstream work, and I am sure that Regan's phone's are not open to his girls 24/7 as mine is. I do so much more than simply get them work, it's insane. Just ask any of my girls how I handle them and they are all VERY happy. Yes, my first job is their manager, however our relationships go well beyond that. My influence on this issue has been Sharon Mitchell. She cannot help everyone, I am just trying to take care of my little 'family' the best way I know how. If some of the 'naive' girls in this business had someone like me looking after them, they'd be here longer and they'd be much happier. By the way, I have grown since we have last met...I am now all the way up to 5'2" and 128...

"I hope all the talent are reading this. This is how business should be conducted. Any talent that would like to talk to me, feel free. Most of the people in the industry have my numbers. Again, thank you Gene for everything."

The Schwartz Report of Another Sort

Scotty Schwartz writes: "Gene, There was a big fight party Saturday nite over at Marc Davis's house for the Oscar De La Hoya/ Felix Trinidad fight.Here's the who's who of who was there....in no particular order. Marc Davis, who had an incredible red head with him named Annabelle...too bad she's not in the biz, she's a smok'in 10 !!! Chandler, Steven St. Croix, Dyanna Lauren, Chris of Anabolic, Producer/Director Devon, Producer/Director Brad Armstrong of Wicked, Yvonne, Mia Smiles with Chris Cannon, Sidnee Steele, Eric Price, Master Dominic, Vivian Valentine, Inari Vachs, Scotty Schwartz, Vince Vouyer with the absolutely adorable Paisley Adams. This girl is something special and she had the comment of the nite. "I like working with girls, except the one's with smelly pussies. I wish I could just stick a box of Altoids in there to make it smell better"! This was definitely the quote of the nite... =) Things got rolling around 4 pm and continued well past midnight. The vote was pretty much split on who won the fight, but that's boxing in the 90's for you.Enjoy Monday Nite Raw, we had Saturday Nite Fever at Mark Davis's."

Gene sez: "I imagine Master Dominic brought a copy of Cocksucking Skank Whores - the one everybody's been looking for?"

Hank's Close Call

Dirty Bob writes: "Tampa Humor: On Friday night Hank Armstrong, pissed that they locked the pool too early, decided that he was gonna swim anyway. He was determined to swim, so he paid a guy to buy some bolt cutters to get through the lock and go to the pool. The problem was, Tampa P.D. saw him walking towards the pool carrying the tool and stopped him en route to the pool. When asked what he was doing at 4:00 a.m. with the bolt cutters walking around past cars and coke machines, Hank honestly replied, "I fuckin' wanna go swimming and I was going to cut the lock so I can get in." Tampa P.D. was not amused and convinced him to choose between swimming and an immediate arrest. Hank, determined and eyeing the pool, replied in a whine, "But I REALLY want to go swimming!"

Hank didn't swim that night, but he ALMOST had a new place to sleep! It was very close."


At Xtreme Pro Wrestling's inaugural card on July 31, 1999, Big Dick Dudley told all the fans in attendance that, "This is only the beginning." The former Extreme Championship Wrestling behemoth said that he had a new home in XPW, and that a number of his friends would be following.

As predicted, on XPW's August 27 show, former World Wrestling Federation star Nicole Bass was there to protect "The Real Deal" Damien Steele and former WCW and ECW manager Missy Hyatt was introduced as the new manager of "White Trash" Johnny Webb.

On Friday night, September 24, the East Coast invasion continues as former ECW World Tag Team Champions, The Pitbulls, make their XPW debut to face the left coast extremists, The West Side NGZ. Since the debut of XPW, the West Siders have shown themselves to be the most dominant tag team west of the Mississippi, leaving a path of battered and broken bodies behind them. But, the former ECW World Tag Team Champions have decided to come to Xtreme to prove that they are just that- XTREME!.

Also scheduled to appear are: Big Dick Dudley, "The Real Deal" Damien Steele, "White Trash" Johnny Webb with Missy Hyatt, Donovan Morgan, Kristian Blood, Michael Modest, Jake Lawless, Kid Kaos, "Mr. 80s" Dynamite D, Phenomenal Phil, Supreme, Jimmy, Pancho Killa with Los Vatos Locos, and other surprise guests. And, as always, the girls of Xtreme: "Queen of Xtreme" Jasmin St. Claire, "Miss Xtreme" Kristi Myst, and "The Xtreme Girl" Lizzy Borden.

Tickets for the show are available in person at the XPW Box Office located at 16140 Leadwell St. in Van Nuys (3 blocks north of Sherman Way between Woodley and Valjean) or may be purchased with a Visa or MasterCard by calling (818) 779-6479. Ticket prices are as follows: $20 Golden Ringside; $18 Ringside; $12 Section B; $10 General Admission. Any remaining tickets will be sold at the Reseda Country Club box office the night of the show. The XPW Arena is located at 18419 Sherman Way in Reseda.

On Saturday night, September 25, XPW debuts at Seaside Park/Ventura Fairgrounds in the Commercial Building. Fans will see all of the stars on the XPW Arena show in an action packed night of hardcore wrestling action. Tickets for the Ventura show are $20 Ringside and $13 General Admission and can be obtained by calling (818) 779-6479, in person at the XPW Box Office, or at a location soon to be announced in the Ventura area. Additionally, any remaining tickets will be sold the night of the show at the door.

For up to date information on XPW, fans can check out the XPW Hotline at (818) 779-6475 or log on to the XPW web site at www.xpwrestling.com. or email [email protected]

Thoughts On The Gentlemen's Club Expo

Sande Weinstein writes: "Mr. Ross: Now that the Gentlemen's Club Expo is over, I decided to sit down and release all that is pent up inside about the overall atmosphere of the adult entertainment industry right now. As one who is still considered an outsider in this industry, I am allowed the pleasure of enjoying some of the benefits of being on the inside a little, sitting on the outside looking in and watching how many people in this industry interrelate amongst their contemporaries. I then get to laugh my ass off sometimes at what goes on and also comment on what I see and hear. The following, Mr. Ross, is what I have seen and heard for the past couple of months.

"I have been communicating with Michael Ross and Kat Sunlove for a little over a year now and the reason for that was that here in my own little hotbed of sizzling democracy, Phoenix, Arizona, the adult entertainment industry was going through a crackdown of sorts by the Phoenix City Council. The city council felt it their duty and obligation to protect their citizens by telling them how to think, how to act, basically acting as the thought police. I felt the need to become active again in the industry and attempted to organize the clubs, cabarets, swing clubs, adult retail businesses and the vendors into an organization here even before I had ever spoken to Mike Ross or Kat Sunlove. Finding it a little more involved than I thought, I then did some research and looked to Mike Ross and Kat Sunlove for guidance which I was able to find from both of them. I've had some experience in this business. There are a lot of other people much more qualified than I in this business. But I consider myself intelligent, intellectual and able, I believe, to discern bullshit from truth, fact from fiction.

"The adult business has been around for quite some time. But it still gets no respect from society, let alone the people who actually work in the industry itself. Mr. Ross, one just has to pay attention regularly to your column and read AVN's LooseLips section to see that. Sometimes though there are people who the industry must look to for guidance and leadership. Who are these people? Well, Mike Ross has been there for as long as I've been taking notice. Kat Sunlove has been there. Gloria Leonard and Jeffrey Douglas have been there and taken a much-needed leadership role. These people are the visible ones who are there to put a face on a long-misunderstood industry that really has no one but those involved to watch out for it.

"This last month, we were all able to watch part of this industry take control of their destiny. Michael C. Ross, who has taken a much needed leadership role in the cabaret/club business around the country, created the National Cabaret Association. This section of the industry has been taken to task many times by our old friends/opposition, the National Family Legal Foundation, the Christian Coalition, Moral Majority, all those Pat Buchanon/Pat Robertson right-wingers who believe that we all need their help to get by in life to make the right decisions about how we live and get along in society. In other words, we should conform to their God's way of life or we should be damned for eternity.

"Michael Ross has taken the right approach. To get along in society, we must actually become a part of society. We must have a voice in society. The industry must be taken seriously and earn respect if it's going to survive. Over a year ago I contacted both Mike Ross and Kat Sunlove about this industry becoming more vocal and more national. Approximately 5 months ago, a serious effort was put into action by Michael Ross to unite the Cabaret industry into becoming a powerful lobby. And why not? Is the Cabaret industry not a legitimate legal business entitled to the same laws and benefits of business accorded to the liquor business? The large hotels in Las Vegas or large hotels around the country? Are these businesses not part of large corporations? Are they not large investments equal to other large entertainment businesses? Why shouldn't these businesses have representation in their states, in the nation's capitol? There are large industries that rely on the Cabaret business, some high caliber vendors to Cabarets who would suffer from the loss of these businesses. These are important businesses who rely on the business of Cabarets across the country.

"Mike Ross, with help from many people around the country, was able to put together a team of people to get the word out, and he was able to travel to all points of the country and unite several states, including Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc. and bring them, in the guise of some of the major national players and local clubowners of all sizes in this industry to the table. They were able to express their main concerns regarding legislation from the national level to the state and municipal level and discuss some of the ways they can help themselves to solve some of the problems facing them in the new millennium.

"They then were able to come together in Las Vegas, NV, (what better place?) and discuss these same problems on a larger scale. From the discussion and chatter after some of the panels were heard, and after the owners were divided up by state and were able to discuss these issues amongst themselves, these clubowners, attorneys, lobbyists and club management, they are now more aware then they ever were and more active in their resolve to improve their lot in business and society as a whole.

"If there was anything accomplished by Michael Ross, the attorneys of the First Amendment Association and the clubowners, management and talent that were on hand at these seminars, it is that they are now aware of the issues confronting them ahead and are united in their goals to meet and solve these problems head-on. The fact that Mike Ross went forward with the incredible step of registering the N.C.A. as a national lobby with Congress and, along with it's sister PAC, the Adult Entertainment Industry Education Fund, the industry now has a national identity that society can see, touch and feel. This is nothing to just take lightly. The Cabaret business can/will be a very powerful lobby in this country in the coming national election not to mention local and statewide elections should the N.C.A. Board of Directors take control quickly and put their plan into action. If you took a look at the material the N.C.A. put out at the convention, the Board of Directors of the N.C.A. is a formidable group not to be taken lightly.

"If you are going to have a Board of Directors, why not put the most powerful people in the industry nationwide on it to get it off the ground. Its funny because even the talent in this industry is taking a closer look at the industry as a whole. In the dancer panels, serious issues regarding their futures and careers and marketing advice were discussed amongst the features and house dancers who attended. This industry is maturing in such a way that who knows what will happen now. According to Mike Ross, talent plays a big role in what he has planned for the future. The difference between the Free Speech Coalition and Mike Ross and the N.C.A. is that he is implementing a plan.

"Now there always has to be a downside to all this good news. The Cabaret business is only one part of a larger picture that must be seen. The Adult Entertainment Industry must be united in their resolve to win this fight for acceptance and respect. I've said it before but I'll say it again. There is a symbiotic relationship in this industry. The cabarets and talent have a relationship and talent and the video production part of the industry have a relationship but the relationship between the video production companies and cabarets must become closer and become more involved in promotion and revitalization of the business.

"Now there are two organizations that are competing, not working together in representing the industry. The Free Speech Coalition has been around for a long time, and it is vested in its representation of the video production industry. Everyone who knows anything in this business knows about the rift between Michael Ross, heading up the AEIEF and the Free Speech Coalition. There is a serious clash of personalities in this rift between the two organizations representing this industry. It doesn't do the industry any good to have this rift. It certainly will not help the industry have any effect in the coming election year. Its time to end this crap and make room for coalition building instead of coalition competition.

"There are serious infractions on both sides. Michael Ross has made it his business to one-up the Free Speech Coalition at every turn. He is a man on a mission. He is succeeding where the Free Speech Coalition appears to be treading water. But it is the Free Speech Coalition itself who put Mike Ross on the map and ulitmately on this mission. The Free Speech Coalition, by its own admission, is responsible for the zeal and intensity that has fueled the flame of Mike's mission and he has them to ultimately thank for the goals he is setting and achieving at this time by virtue of the slow, if any response to the issues the industry as a whole is being faced with now. Why is Mike Ross getting all the publicity and respect from the Cabaret businesses now? Because, essentially, Mike is the only game in town. Because people can see, feel, touch and relate to his accomplishments. He began an organization on a shoestring budget, worked his ass off to get the people he has behind him and left his office chair in front of his computer and has travelled out to the real world where there are REAL PEOPLE! Industry people obviously think Mike is doing the job because people are donating money to their respective state organiza tions set up by the key people in those states with the help of Michael Ross.

"The question that I always ask when a member of an association that represents me is "What have you (the organization) done for me lately?" I asked Mark Kernes that question in an hour-long, very enlightening conversation with him at the Gentleman's Club Expo and as much as I admire him as a journalist and industry expert, I still didn't get an answer to that question. Where do I find that answer? I read everything that the Free Speech Coalition had out at the Expo. I reread the material from the AVN Expo and did not find the answer to that question. All I'm looking for is something tangible, something I could put my hand on, and see and touch and feel. What has the Free Speech Coalition accomplished in the name of this industry that we can all put a finger on and tangibly see.
