Jacksonville Cops Burned Over Stripper Photos

A photo stunt which sprang from a shoot for Kid Rock's Web site has two Jacksonville police officers suspended from their department - they posed for erotic pictures with scantily-clad strippers pretending to arrest them.

Benjamin Suydam and Carlton Vose were suspended Feb. 29 by Sheriff Nat Glover for conduct unbecoming, misusing county property, and violating uniform regulations over the photo shoot. Department spokesmen say if they had not posed in uniform, there would have been no trouble with the stunt.

Last December, they took part in a contest for the Kid Rock site, "Most Outrageous Photo," trying to win a trip to Detroit for New Year's, according to official reports cited by APBNews. They were photographing themselves in full uniform and insignia at a local airport when a local woman caught them being restrained by a Wonder Woman look-alike while her partner - in only a bra, miniskirt, and police hat, helped restrain them.

The witness called the police Internal Affairs Bureau, which investigated the incident. That turned up several photographs showing Suydam and Vose stopping a sports car the two women drove, while they posed drinking beer and making reportedly obscene gestures. Other photos reportedly showed the women lying on a patrol cruiser in suggestive positions, with Kid Rock's name written on the trunk in lipstick.

And it all ended up for nothing, anyway - APBNews says the officers didn't even win the photo contest.