Jack "The Enforcer" Is Back

Just when you thought it was safe to crawl back in your sewer hole, Jack "The Enforcer" Hammer is back. Fresh from recent battles with Roy Garcia, Al Borda and others over who-knows-what, Jack had a confrontation with Johnny Thrust recently. Johnny, as you'll recall got pinched in an incident where he left his kid unattended in a car. Champion of the disabled, the flat-chested and women everywhere, Jack didn't take to kindly to that.

Hammer: "There are two things that I don't like - snitches and people who abuse kids. So I walked up to him [Thrust] on a shoot two weekends ago at Rob Spallone's house. I told him, 'You know what? You're a piece of shit motherfucker for leaving your kid in the car.' I grabbed him by his shirt collar and slammed him on the ground. I guess he cracked his head open and got a concussion. I just want people to know I'm sticking up for children. Some people were looking at me weird when I left the set, like, what the fuck did he do that for? It wasn't because I'm an asshole."