Jack: "More to Come"

Ice hockey had its Dave Schultz; football its Jack Tatum; and porn has now got Jack Hammer. Jack, who bitch slapped Kid Vegas last week on a bukkake shoot, just on general principle, then exacted a public and gentlemanly apology from talent manager Roy Garcia yesterday, said he's adding names to his growing hit list. Among those are Al Borda, director Thomas Paine and talent manager DK.

Hammer: "I'm getting these guys to say what they have to say. They gotta say they fucked up and that's the biggest humilation of it all. Now there's Al Borda. Al Borda called me and said he doesn't even have a company any more."

Hammer said his issues with Borda are over a series of broken promises and "disrespect." I told him, 'You're a piece of shit.' He said, 'If you want to come down here and kick my ass you can, I'll give you the address.' I go it's not about kicking your ass. I never said I was kicking anyone's ass. I want to humiliate you. I told him, don't worry about it. You'll be dealt with."

Hammer said he also had issues with Borda and Paine's photographer [Mark]. "That little bastard is next on the list," said Hammer. "Thomas Paine has never called because he knows he's in the wrong. Steve Austin's never called. He's tripping right now."

Hammer: "They never know when I'm going to hit. They're probably walking through the mall like a stray dog running down the street sideways looking all over the place, scared like a motherfucker. There's not one person on my list that not everybody hates anyways. It's nothing new. I'm sorry if I've got to be the one to pull my balls out to take care of business that other people could have taken care of years ago. I'm sorry to do that, but it's gotta be done. I hope everybody learns and gets a lot more respect in this business by me dealing with this."

Hammer says he just saw a video with Buck Adams' wife Aspen Brock. "She's getting fucked by five or six guys and she was straight crying her eyes out. I'm going to find out who was the director on this. I'm pissed. I don't like seeing the girls cry. I don't like seeing all this shit. He [the director] was going to her, 'Don't worry about it.' She asked for a napkin to dry her face. He goes, 'Don't worry about it, it'll dry up.' That pompous motherfucker. I'm going to shove a beer bottle right up that motherfucker's ass. I'll tell him, don't worry, your tears will dry up, you punk. That's not cool. It's making us look like scumbags who are abusing women. These guys are getting served."

Hammer said he's also after DK. "He disrepects the girls," says Hammer. "He's going to be humiliated. "It's about respect," said Hammer. "Give respect to people and you'll get it back. You won't have to answer to people like me.

Hammer said he got a call from Chuck Martino. "I said you know what, Chuck, I don't even want to talk to you." He goes, 'No, bro, it's cool what you're doing.' I go Chuck, "You got more years in this industry than I do. Why don't you do fucking something?" I asked him how he got my number. He said he had it. I go, really? Why didn't you call me last week when you were shooting a big titty movie. He goes the girls requested their own guys. I said, whatever, you piece of shit. I let him say what he had to say, but I wanted to reach through and grab his throat, pull him through the phone and slap him a couple of times."