Jack Hammer Slaps Kid Vegas: "I'm the Enforcer!"

Evidently Kid Vegas pushed Jack Hammer's buttons, evidenced by the fact Jack bitch slapped the Kid at a Jim Powers' bukkake shoot Wednesday night in front of stunned onlookers. Jack, who said he did it to put some sense in the Kid, says he's got a "hit list" and is taking care of business.

Hammer: "I'm going down the list and he's [Vegas] one of them. I got him. I made him fucking cry. He had a handmark on his face for about two hours afterwards. I told him, 'Look, you stupid fuck. We've been friends for a long time going back to punk rock days.' Jim Powers, him, I, a lot of us grew up together. I go, 'I'm putting you in check. This is how it goes. Don't disrespect people in the business. Treat them how you want to be treated and leave it alone. The next person is going to wind up beating your fucking ass and I ain't going to be able to protect you. You need to be a man. You're not God. Don't let these people, whoever's pumping you up to think that you're a bigger power than everybody, because you're not. Don't let other people make you run your mouth for shit you can't take care of.' I go I'm one guy. I just found you at the bukkake. I walked right up to you, and, bam, fucking nailed you.'

"It really stunned him and he almost started to cry because he looked up to me as an idol from a long time ago. He was really freaked out."

G. Ross: "Who else do you have on your list?

Hammer: "Steve Austin's next because he's a child molester/rapist. We all know that. You're laughing. I don't care. I'm like the enforcer of porno, now. I'm going to take care of all these little fucking punks. It's about time someone put somebody in check. Al Borda's next. Al Borda's going to get fucking hit so hard his first born child is going to come out with headaches. Thomas Paine is going to get slapped and die of a heart attack. That's another one. That's a guy who's lied to me and disrespected me and my girlfriend. The girls don't need this shit - you've got to fuck me before you get a scene, you gotta do this. Fuck this. This is a job. This is a.profession. Don't lowball people. You're spending 10 grand on a movie. California sales alone brings in 90 grand. What the fuck. Give me a break. It's about time talent pulls their heads out of their asses."