Jack Hammer Back in the Enforcing Business

March 22nd tells us that Spring is in the air, and the enforcers are blooming. Which leads us to a conversation we had with Jack "The Enforcer" Hammer.

Hammer: "I just back from Las Vegas where Pleasure Productions gave Mad Jack a chance to shoot a feature about sex in public places like Streets of New York. I did a couple of sex scenes for him. That was pretty ballsy out there because you got cameras on every building there is. Did Mark Kernes say anything about the Bud Lee shoot we did out there about a month ago?"

G. Ross: "Mark Kernes will take breaking news to his grave."

Hammer: "We did another killer scene inside plate glass suspended four feet in the air. It was pretty cool. Everybody was flipping.

G. Ross: "What's this I hear about you being picked up on that warrant again?"

Hammer: "I got picked up on the warrrant coming back from Bud Lee's shoot. I was hauling ass doing 100 mph. I got pulled over. The cop was an investigating Lt. for the district attorney's office. He pulled me over. He thought I was a buddy of his. When I wasn't, I went to court on this old warrant. It's done. Dealt with. The rest his history."

G. Ross: "The way I heard it you were back in jail again."

Hammer: "All the scumbags were praying that I was back in jail. But there's so much shit going around. Heard Johnny Thrust's story? [Thrust was thrown in jail for leaving his baby unattended in a car.] Johnny Thrust ran into the house real fast to do a sex scene. When he came out, the cops were there. What pisses me of is the little bastard only got 15 days in jail. That's bullshit. He should get his nuts cut off and his baby taken from him, cause he's a little piece of shit."

G. Ross: "Sounds like enforcing time again."

Hammer: "I stopped for awhile, relaxed and evaluated everything around me, now I'm back in. Everything's in line again."