Italian Porn Star: Get Me To A Nunnery!

Luana Borgia is one of Italy's most renowned porn stars, but she now says she's had it with the porn life and would take spiritual retreat in a convent. "I've been thinking of leaving the hard porn scene for awhile," the 30-year-old actress told Reuters. "I don't regret anything about my past, but... I want to do something else." That could include mainstream film and television, she said. Borgia plans a three-week retreat at a convent in Cosenza by invitation of its prior, a Capuchin monk who met Borgia four years ago when she donated an ambulance for the order's African missions. Borgia has starred in 30 Italian sex films.

AMSTERDAM - A Dutch Navy frigate commander has been disciplined after a photograph of topless female crew members hit the largest daily newspaper in the Netherlands. The photo shows 11 women stripping to their waists on the deck of the ship Bloys while their male crew partners stood laughing. A spokesman for the Dutch Navy told the Times of London the incident took place last fall in the Mediterranean Sea region, with the likely photographer an Italian sailor. The photograph reportedly received wide circulation on the Internet as well.

LINCOLN, Neb. - Former Star Search comedian Vinson Champ has been convicted of raping a student at a small Seventh-Day Adventist school here in 1997. Champ has been accused of several sexual assaults around Midwestern college campuses, and pleaded no contest in the rape of a University of Nebraska at Omaha teacher. The 38-year-old entertainer faces up to 50 years in prison at his June 6 sentencing, but prosecutors in the UNO case have agreed to delay sentencing until the Lincoln case is settled. Champ often appeared on the college performing circuit, as well as aboard cruise ships.

MAMARONECK, N.Y. - A sixth grade student recited a naughty rhyme to two girls on his school's playground and got a five-day suspension for his trouble - but he returned to school April 10 after the suspension was cut to three days. The rhyme? "Roses are red, violets are black, your chest is as flat as your back." Aside from the metric flaw, school officials argued he violated sexual harassment guidelines, despite his parents' offering to compel the boy to apologize to the girls. Family attorney Ronald Kuby described the case as "political correctness gone berserk." School superintendent Sherry King told the Associated Press the suspension was justified, saying the stiff penalty wouldn't have been warranted if the rhyme had "been the only incident" - but the AP said King didn't elaborate on that.

--- Compiled by Humphrey Pennyworth