It's a Strange World

winning specialty tape director Joey Strange is working on concepts that might give Johnny Toxic a run for his vomit. Or, at least produce it. Hollywood Video was initially approached by Strange but passed due to prior commitments. Strange would love to find a company to produce a new series for him called, "It's A Strange World, with the first video in that series subtitled, Bloodlust. And, boy is it ever. Listen to some of the ideas, one of which would have included Summer Cummings masturbating on a bed of glass, had Strange got the jump on the series this week. Another scene would have Strange fucking a girl in a barbed wire hammock. The catheter scene, however, is the ultimate stomach turner.

Strange: "It was going to be really pretty Victorian wedding sex. Not angry sex. No anal. Just something two lovers on a special occasion would have. Except for the fact that I was going to cut my wrists, put blood-letting needles into my veins and hook rubber hoses to the other ends of those needles. I would suck my own blood out of my veins, spit it on the girl and then put both tubes into a condom I was wearing ["I'll bleed on you, but I won't have sex without a rubber"]. I'll fill the condoms full of blood, jerk off and cut the tip as I come."

G. Ross: "This sounds like something you've done before."

Strange: "I ain't letting anything out of the bag."

Strange describes Scene 2: "A girl masturbates while laying in broken glass - actually I need another girl for that. Summer was set for that, but she's leaving town on a dance trip. There's an alternate scene where I cover a girl completely in 10 gallons of melted candlewax, break her arms free, put a top hat on her with a wick on it and light her on fire while she jerks off."

Strange: "Sex scene 3 is sex in a hammock with barbed wire; scene 4 is hanging by hooks - if the girl is small enough I'll start off by having her blowing me while they lift both of us up, her attached to my legs while she's sucking my dick. Hey, I'm an entertainer."

G. Ross: "Sex as I know it is now very empty."

Strange: "I'm trying to mix performance art with sex. It's not made to freak people out, although it will. And it's not made to be sexy porn. It's that cross between. I like the duality of prettiness of the sex and the connection between the performers and the harsh reality of where it is and what's going on. It's kind of like a bad birthday gone worse."

Any takers, performers or otherwise, should contact Strange at: [email protected]