It's Deja Vu Ball All Over Again

Kylie Ireland, who once slept with basketball legend Michael Jordan, had this to say in an article on a very similar subject printed in Sexpose magazine, February 1997. Ireland's remarks were made, in part, referencing a sex, drugs and strippers story that had just broken at the time about the Dallas Cowboys' Michael Irvin.

Ireland: "The media and public put these athletes on pedestals, they can do no wrong, and they are role models. Do you want the real scoop on your sports gods? Michael Irvin is not the exception. He is the rule. Did anyone bother to ask the strippers for their side of the story regarding Irvin and his friends? These girls would tell you that this is common - athletes coming into strip bars. They would probably also tell you that this is not the first time that they had "partied" with sports figures or other famous people.

"I'm not saying that all strippers are Ho-bags, but think about it. Would you pass up the opportunity to get to know, hang with, party with or even have sex with a famous athlete or star that you admired? I don't point the fingers at these girls. Irvin didn't seduce them or force them to go with him - they went more than willingly. And I don't point the finger at Irvin either. He wasn't doing anything hundreds of other athletes don't do every day. You think I'm making this up? Ask any girl who's danced in one of those high-dollar gentlemen's clubs."

Lest anyone get the wrong impression, Ireland goes on to make a disclaimer that "Ninety-eight percent of the bikini, topless and nude clubs in America are legitimate, well-run places that comply with all the state and the federal laws...nonetheless, no club, no matter how careful and straight up they are, can stop the dancers from doing whatever they want in their free time."

Ireland says that in her college days, she danced under the stage name "Sierra," at an upscale club in Denver called the Diamond Cabaret - a club that catered to businessmen, sports fans and athletes. She says that many girls, like her, chose to work the nights of concert events and games. "Many of the girls came to work on these nights not for the money factor, but to meet the teams who came in," Ireland said.

"It frustrates me to no end to think that these stars have tons of money, yet expect food, drinks and dances for free just because of who they are - and of course, the club would cater to their every whim just so they would stay in the club," Ireland said.

Ireland said during her time at the Cabaret, which was two years, she met and was propositioned by many athletes from the Colorado Rockies to the Oakland Raiders. "And every combination of players, coaches and sports in between," she added. Ireland, in her Sexpose article, said she met Michael Jordan when the Bulls when in town for a game against the Denver Nuggets on Super Bowl XXVII weekend.