Internext Blinds with Science

The business of porn is business, to paraphrase Calvin Coolidge, but there is no law in Las Vegas that says business can't be enjoyable. The Internext Expo provides the latest webmaster services and gadgetry with all the pleasant trappings of the Adult world.rnrn

Service providers of all stripes, from dialer services (proprietary ISPs for exclusive porn surfing) and conversion specialists (want to translate your Utah-based teen site into German or Tagalog? come here) employ scantily-clad daily-hire models to established porn stars to lure customers to their booths, providing autographs, photos, t-shirts and plenty of logo swag along with the ubiquitous glossy informational packets.rnrn

Several adult companies are represented, as well as resource businesses like the Free Speech Coalition, all of whom have bright and shiny baubles to draw in the overwhelmed conventioneer.rnrn

Crow, a partner in, smiles as his picture is taken with a bevy of spokesmodels. Dankcash provides conversion services, among other things, but is not a content provider. The women are just there to attract customers on an intensely competitive show floor.rnrn

"Whatever it takes," Crow tells

The Internext Expo continues here at the Sands Expo Center until tomorrow, followed by AVN's Adult Entertainment Expo in the same space.