Internet Love Affair Ends In Murder

It was probably to be expected that, as the Internet became available to more people, it would also become another conduit for that international language, love. Now, tragically, a couple who came together in cyberspace to find love has found death - a Washington state man who moved to live here with a woman with whom he fell in love on the Internet was shot to death by her estranged husband, according to authorities.

Douglas Crane met Nannette Vasquez on the Web at the end of 1999, corresponded with her by e-mail and by telephone, and moved from his sister's home in Yakima, Wash. to Portage to live with her. But he was shot by Benito Vasquez the night of April 15 and died en route to the hospital, according to police.

"He visited her for four to five days a couple of months ago," said Crane's sister, Donna Gendron, about her brother's relationship with Nannette Vasquez, "then came back and just decided they were soul mates and moved back there to start over, get a fresh start, get out of Yakima. He was head over heels in love with her."

Benito Vasquez, according to police, shot Crane several times and took Nannette hostage after letting authorities remove Crane. Vasquez is also said to have fired at neighbors during a subsequent six-hour standoff, but no one there was hit by bullets. Nannette reportedly suffered minor injuries in the incident. Vasquez is in Kalamazoo County Jail without bond, charged with murder and other counts.

A recovering alcoholic said to be devoted to Alcoholics Anonymous, Crane was unable to work steadily since receiving an artificial heart valve, according to his sister - who also told APBNews her brother knew of Nannette's estranged husband posing a threat, but moved in with her regardless.

"The man had made threats, I guess, that he was going to hunt him down and 'shoot him like a dog,'" she told the crime news service. "I think he just kind of blew it off. I guess he didn't realize what a lunatic this fellow was."