Internal Cop Shot: Porn in the Glendale P.D.

Here at, we watch porn all day. It's our job, and we like to think we do it well, and with the public interest in mind. East across the San Fernando Valley, however, the head of the Glendale Police Department's internal affairs division is being taken to task for viewing porn during work hours, and exposing unwilling co-workers to it.rnrn

Two-decade department veteran Sgt. Darrell York testified Thursday that one of the several porn sites he viewed while working as a night-shift supervisor belonged to him. He is being sued by three female co-workers for sex discrimination, creating a hostile work environment, sexual assault, and retaliation. It is alleged that, in addition to the porn viewing, Sgt. York attempted to act on what he saw.rnrn

Workers on lunch break in downtown Glendale had a variety of reactions to the news.rnrn

"I guess I'm not surprised that the same department that shakes people down for jaywalking on a deserted street might also be misusing their time elsewhere," paralegal Bon Allen told while shopping at the Apple Store in the Glendale Galleria.rnrn

The three plaintiffs also accuse the Department of not acting appropriately when the charges were first made. York was suspended for 12 hours. Later, he was promoted to lead Internal Affairs.rnrn

The idea of cops viewing porn does not faze Michael Valdez, a graphic artist working at a Glendale animation company. "I have no quarrel with the man owning a website," he told, "but if he's using public equipment on public time, and subjecting people to it who are offended by it; that's wrong."rnrn

Three other night supervisors, who worked at the Glendale lockup between 1994 and 1999,were also named in the complaint, as well as the Department Human Resources Administrator.