If It Weren't For Bad Luck

If it weren't for bad luck, Sasha Gabor would have none at all. On the heels of a mugging in his L.A. apartment several weeks ago where thieves in a comedy of erros heist got him for close to $3,000, Sasha felt the scorpion's sting once again in Oslo, Norway. He was mugged in a Burger King in the aftermath of a video shoot. nnSasha: "The robbery was more like a purse snatching, except it was my passport. I just got paid from a magazine that I did a layout for. A guy ran into me at a Burger King and while everything fell to the floor, he grabbed the bag I was carrying and ran out the door. I was out of $2,900 here. I'm out of almost $500 there but still delivered the movies to Gabor at Heatwave. I borrowed the money from my mother who's in a hospital. She wasn't too happy to lend me it. Then I get almost $500 in Norway in cash. And this guy runs into me. He also took my passport and my computer. The U.S. Embassy didn't want to give me another passport at first because I had no I.D. or anything. The guy, a black guy about 65, asked me what was my occupation. 'I'm a journalist,' I told him. He looks at his computer and says, 'What, in pornography?' Talk about having my number. There's probably something in there about Sasha Gabor being in pornography." nnBut that's not the end of it, when he returned home to L.A., Sasha found his apartment broken into. "My door was broken down, half my video tape collection is gone, my VCR, a reserve passport, gone. In the three weeks I've been gone, I've aged about three years and have had more adventures than a lot of people in three years."