Idaho introduces "6-foot rule"

614A. PROHIBITED ACTS -- DANCERS-ENTERTAINERS. \n(1) Subject to the provisions of section 23-614, Idaho Code, it shall be unlawful to permit any dancer-entertainer to perform on the licensed premises except when removed at least six (6) feet from the nearest patron. \n(2) This section shall not be applied to performances of traditional ethnic dancing such as belly dancing, flamenco dancing, Hawaiian or Tahitian dancing performed in a licensed premises. \n(3) The term "dancer-entertainer" is intended to have a broad and general meaning so as to include any person performing a dance in or on a retail liquor, beer or wine premises and whose work is under some control or direction, or both, of the licensee.

Mike Ross writes: "According to an article in the Feb 17th Idaho Statesman newspaper, the sponsor of the bill has never been into one of the local bikini bars. When the paper invited him along on a tour of the clubs, he declined saying he didn't need to see dancing to decide it should be a misdemeanor for a woman in a bikini to get within 6 feet of her patrons. Fortunately, the newspaper article took sides with the dancers and club owners since this action would shut most of the bikini bars down.