Interactive Television Networks Inc. has launched PULSE, the first IPTV music-video network.

PULSE will offer unlimited Video-on-Demand access to a commercial-free library of more than 30,000 music videos from all the major recording labels, with new videos added weekly. Videos will be organized into dozens of 24/7 channels, classified by specific group and genre. Channels will include “The Heartland” for country music fans, “Old School Jamz,” which will show favorite hip-hop videos, and “Rock ON!,” showcasing classic rock videos, among others.

Subscribers also will be able to create play lists of their favorite videos, which can be viewed in order or at random and can even be shared with other subscribers.

“PULSE is a great example of what ITVN does best,” says Charles Prast, chief executive of the company. “We deliver the content that people want, when they want it, in a format that they can control, and at a price they can’t believe.”

According to a recent report by AccuStream iMedia Research, “overall, streaming media subscription and download revenue grew by 150 percent from 2003 through 2004, 109 percent from 2004 through 2005, and is currently forecast to increase by another 45 percent in 2006. The market is forecast to reach $2 billion in total revenue in 2006, with music, sports, and entertainment subscription and download revenue the leading content categories,” and music is leading the pack.

“The number of people streaming media through their PC and iPod is massive,” says Prast. “ITVN offers broadcast-quality, streaming video on users’ TVs, the viewing platform of choice. We can only imagine how huge this is about to become.”

PULSE will be available in May, at a cost of $4.95 per month.