Adult video star Capri Cameron says she's free of her contract with Arrow Productions, but studio director Ray Pistol says that's news to him.

Pistol says Cameron is under contract through August-September 2000. "This is a young teenage girl going through some type of crisis," he tells Gene Ross. "It's self created. It's not here…She can go somewhere in this business if she chooses to do so." He adds he hasn't heard from the actress other than a fax note asking where was the letter saying her contract was no longer valid, according to Ross.

Cameron had told Ross earlier that she was free of her Arrow deal. "With a disagreement over a carrot," she said, "Pistol and I have finally parted our ways. Which is probably for the best, since he doesn't put out the number of movies a month that my contract states."

The carrot refers to a scene she shot for Pistol in which he wanted her to use a carrot rather than a dildo, a substitution Cameron called degrading.

There was also friction between the two involving filming Kitty's Fantasy Ranch at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch brothel near Las Vegas, where Cameron has worked. Bunny Ranch owner Dennis Hof says there was a possibility that Arrow had not paid Cameron.

"We made a deal to shoot at the Ranch," Hof tells Ross. "The only stipulation was do not try and recruit our girls for any other films. He had his guy stars there. I said do not let these guys take phone numbers or try to get these girls into your business. If we do things, it will be here at the ranch. He said (no) problem."

But Pistol not only could not control his own people, Hof says, he could not control himself. "I called him a few days later," Hof continues, "and said why are my girls wanting to go to LA to shoot movie, now? He said I'll take care of it, I'll stop it. Not only could he not stop it, he was doing it himself. If he loses her, he absolutely deserves it…If he had just worked with her and wanted her to do more movies, we could have done a bunch of movies at the ranch."

Pistol says he didn't recall any mention of "stealing girls", though he acknowledges Hof was "mad" when Cameron left the Bunny Ranch to make films for Arrow. But he says Cameron later reneged on a "moral obligation" to represent Arrow at the East Coast Video Show last month.