mail regarding the public cum forum on this site, initiated by Mr. Moore.

"Gene, it is biased on your part to automatically assume that Chris English thought of the 'girls walking around in public with cum on their faces' idea first since you have absolutely no way of knowing how long I've had the idea or how long I may have sat on scenes before coming out with the movie.

"I've had girls walk outside in Creme de la Face movies with cum on their faces as far back as 6 years ago. I don't recall exactly when I first thought of it or why, and I don't know when Chris first thought of it, but it is safe to assume that regardless of who actually came up with the idea first that we came up with the idea independently and withoutt knowledge of each other. BTW, the Japanese Bukkake folks have had public pop shot type movies out for some time now. I don't know if or when his movie(s) have come out in Europe, but as far as I know, Public Pop Shots was released months before Cum Covered Faces.

"So you have not set me straight at all, thank you. Good luck to Chris with his efforts, there's certainly room for all of us to be successful. Rodney