IMDB Celebrates 15 Years, Porn Included

Arguably the top Internet destination for movie and TV show information, the Internet Movie Database celebrates its 15-year anniversary this week with various editor retrospectives, website history, and Top 15 staff picks.

Alongside every possible tidbit of information about what seems like every single film or TV show ever created, there is also the Adult Index, which presently houses 28,335 adult flicks, from the infamous 1 Night In Paris to New Wave Hookers 7 and beyond.

Even more mainstream films like The Brown Bunny, Romance, and Caligula are featured in the Adult Index.

As with the voluminous information IMDB provides about popular Hollywood films, adult titles get the same in-depth treatment. The site offers links to posters, plot summaries, awards, quotes, credits, review links, clips, user votes, trivia, and other exhaustively researched information.

There are also comprehensive filmographies of many adult stars, complete with rundowns of film credits, bios, and more.