First Amendment, intellectual piracy, law and the Web, and how much imagery to buy for your online home lead the seminars, while over a hundred floor exhibitors lead the show for Interctive 2000 in Miami on 1-3 October.

And if you're any kind of player in the adult internet or audiotext industry, this is the convention you want to join above any other the rest of the year, says AVN publisher Paul Fishbein.

It's being held at the Radisson Deauville Resort in Miami, and over one hundred exhibitors covering over 20,000 square feet will be showing their wares and plans, in a grand opportunity to touch base with some of the biggest hitters in the adult entertainment lineup.

The seminar lineups begin 1 October at 10-10:50 a.m., with a discussion of First Amendment rights and responsibilities hosted by New York attorney Joel Dichter and featuring other prominent attorneys such as David Wasserman, Clyde DeWitt, and Bob Sarno. The remainder of the seminar schedule is as follows:

1 October

Choosing a Host (11-11:50 a.m.). Host: Ron Cadwell, Cavecreek.com; panelists: Steve Huntington (Janey's Web Service, California); John Henry Williams (Strictly Hosting, Florida); Cone Puppy (Netpond, formerly Condom Project, Virginia). \nProtecting Yourself From Liability On The Net (12-1 p.m.). Host: Tony Lupo (Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin & Kahn, Washington). \nGenerating Maximum Traffic To Your Web Site and Using It Effectively (2-3:15 p.m.). Host: Jonathan Lieberman (JMR Creations, Boston); panelists: Colin Rowntree (Wasteland.com, Boston); Ron Cohen (Pure Hardcore, Philadelphia); Greg Dumas (I Gallery, California); Andrew Edmond (Sex Tracker, Seattle). \n2 October

A Legal Update: Washington On The Web (10.-10:50 a.m.). Host: Greg Picionelli (Brull, Picionelli, Sarno & Braun, Los Angeles); panelists: Joel Dichter; David Wasserman (Wasserman and Walters, Florida); Mark Tiarra (United Adult Sites, New Jersey); Steve Cohen (Federal Trade Commission, Washington). \nCommercing: How To Set Up Your Business Online (11-11:50 a.m.). Host: Colin Rowntree; panelists: David Slaughter (Verasource.com, Las Vegas); Ron Cadwell; Jeff Kilbride (Paycom, California). \nEffective Use of Clickthrough Programs and Search Engines (2-2:50 p.m.). Host: Rich Botto (RJB Telcom, Brooklyn); panelists: Gabriel Zappia (CIMA, Maine); Andrew Edmond; David Slaughter; Kaiser (Bruce Bortle, Netpond, formerly Condom Project, Virginia). \nContent - Still Photographs (How, What, How Much to Buy) (3-3:50 p.m.). Host: Paul Howser (CV Productions, Miami); panelists: Victor DiMeglio (Hyper-Scan Digital, New York); Jim Shacy (graphic designer, Florida); Greg Gregory (CV Productions). \n3 October

Content II - Video (How, What, How Much to Buy) (10-10:50 a.m.). Host: Marcus Salim (I Broadcast, Seattle); panelists: Greg Dumas; Dave VanDerPoel (Python Communications, Toronto). \nCredit Card Processing: Crisis Management (11-11:50 a.m.). Host: Keith Miller (I Bill, Ft. Lauderdale); panelists: John Grey (ABM Worldwide, California); Brad Weber (I Gallery); David Slaughter; Craig Tant (CC Bill, Phoenix); Jeff Kilbride (Paycom). \nMaximising Your Pay Site Profits (12-1:15 p.m.). Host: Ron Levi (Cybererotica, California); panelists: John Bennett (Cyber Entertainment Network, Fort Lauderdale); Greg Dumas; Rich Botto. \nIntellectual Property and Piracy on the Net (1:30-2:20 p.m.). Host: Stephen Levin (Jokelson and Associates, Philadelphia); panelists: Clyde DeWitt; Mark Tiarra; Greg Picionelli; Rose Robbins (Law Office of Rose Robbins, Florida). \nTo see a complete listing of schedule exhibitors, visit www.IA2000.com/exhibitorlist.html.