I told you so about Luke Ford

John Bone got a call Thursday night from Hustler editor Mike Albo. Albo, in a "I told you so about Luke Ford" manner, asked Bone to do a piece for the magazine about his so-called prolific sex life which is being chronicled by Luke Ford.

Bone: "As much as I hate it. I still find myself supporting Luke Ford's First Amendment rights to lie about me. I support the First Amendment, but now I'm a victim of it."

Bone said Ford's justification for posting some bogus stories about him on his site in the last day or so was the fact that Ford had a Thursday appointment with his shrink and felt compelled to get something, anything up, to beat Gene Ross to the punch. (Ford in a phone conversation with Ross admitted this.]

Bone: "He [Ford] put on his site yesterday that Rob Spallone threatened to beat me with a baseball bat. I called Rob Spallone. Rob said, 'I never did that!' I tell Ford, 'Spallone's your best fucking friend!' You've put it up twice now. Have you ever asked him if it was true. Spallone called him and told him it wasn't true. So he [Ford] gets a call from his best friend, but he still prints twice on his site an absolute fucking lie. I ask him why. He [Ford] says, 'I saw Gene Ross' site that morning and I had to get the story up before him.' So now it doesn't matter. You got to be up faster. It's a race to be the first on the Internet.

"Two of my personal heroes are Larry Flynt and Al Goldtsein. They were fearless in their fight for first amendment rights, thus spawning Luke's Ford right to publish unsubstantiated lies about me. Over the last two days I've been victimized as a rapist, a sexual predator, as HIV positive, and as a homosexual. All of this on the words of Brick Majors [who as yet to return calls] an actor I have refused to hire on many occasions, and Raven McCall. On Wednesday, Luke Ford told the world that I had tried to rape Kristen. She called him and told him it wasn't true. I asked Ford to send me this stuff in the future so that I could point out the inaccuracies before he published. Thursday, Ford sent me another story full of inaccuracies but published before I could defend myself.

"I've been victimized and humilated. My tempation is to seek revenge, but I can't be a hypocrite. Freedom of speech must be defended at at all costs."