Sabrina Johnson \nOCEANSIDE, CA - Sabrina Johnson's bid for porn immortality is only a day away - the slim, pretty actress goes in front of the cameras Tuesday to begin her bid for the gangbang record of 2,000 or better. And the slim, pretty European star tells AVN On The Net that, though she's never tried anything even close to this before, she thrives on these kinds of challenges.

"This isn't a normal shoot," says Johnson in her lyric accent of the Gangbang of the Millenium, which Fleshtone Productions plans to film and broadcast on the Internet as well as for video production. "I'm going somewhere that I've never been before. I've never done anything this size before, so I have no idea how I'm going to feel about it. I have no idea what my threshold is, where I need to stop, but I thrive on things like that, something not boring. I like doing things that no one else has done and shocking people."

Ironically, Johnson is picking up the gauntlet dropped last summer when Marylin Star - now hiding from U.S. authorities in a major insider trading scandal involving two former lovers - decided not to go through with a similar gangbang plan, looking to leave the adult film business to marry and start a family.

Johnson, however, has been preparing for the title shot since before September's ia2000 convention in Miami Beach, where she appeared to promote the idea.

"I'm getting really excited about it," Johnson says. "I made no real preparation for it, I've been just trying to keep in shape and not get sick and not do naything that's going to get me injured before."

She had a scare, however, in October, when she was put on the HIV quarantine for a short while when veteran porn star Tony Montana was diagnosed with HIV and Johnson was determined a possible second-line risk. However, she tested clean shortly thereafter and preparations for the Gangbang of the Millenium conitnued.

It seem peculiar now for her to have had any kind of health scare, considering that she's often admired for a body as well-tapered and toned as it is attractive beneath her pretty face.

"How do I keep in shape?" she says with a chuckle. "I just watch what I eat and I work out. Nothing really special. Well, just aerobics at home, that sort of thing. I have a workout machine. I just watch myself and not eat too much fat."

Johnson won't speculate, though, on her plans following the gangbang, although she does plan to appear in Las Vegas for the CES show in January to promote the video.

"I haven't really thought much past (January)," she says. "We're going to the CES, which is exciting for me because I've never been in Vegas before. We're just playing all my energy into this one thing, the gangbang, and then, whatever comes along after that, I'll look at it when it's done."

Sabrina Johnson begins the Gangbang of the Millenium at noon Tuesday at an undisclosed location. Fleshtone chief Danny Carelli says the shoot could, in concept, continue non-stop until Johnson reaches the magic number - or, should a break in the action be necessary, the shoot could continue Wednesday.