<I>Deep Throat</I> Documentary Coming Up

Oscar-winning filmmakers Brian Grazer and Ron Howard's Imagine Entertainment will produce a feature documentary exploring the cultural impact of the 1972 porn film Deep Throat. rnrn

"I find the actual movie and Linda's story less interesting than I do that moment in society where something ignites enough curiosity that it is like splitting an atom," Grazer said. "That single movie popularized pornography. It became the catchphrase in the Watergate scandal, it broke down all kinds of walls." rnrn

The directors of the documentary will be Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato, who filmed the HBO expose Monica Lewinsky in Black and White. rnrn

Bailey and Barbato began filming over the weekend because Lovelace was posthumously voted into the Legends of Erotica during the Adult Video News Awards in Las Vegas. rnrn

"You might say that Deep Throat was the film that started the independent film movement," Bailey said. "It sparked a brief period when porn looked like it would be going from the backstreet raincoat brigade to mainstream." rnrn

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