Hustler Mobile Extends to U.S.

Larry Flynt Publications (LFP) and Santa Monica, California-based Giant Mobile have announced the extension of their licensing agreement, bringing Hustler Mobile to North America and Asia.

Giant Mobile and Hustler have been developing Hustler’s mobile offerings since June 2003 and first went live in Europe in March of 2004.

“I didn’t anticipate it being as big of a revenue stream as it has become and we know it’s only going to get bigger,” LFP licensing director Chris Camacho told “I think we’ll do extremely well in the U.S.”

The agreement calls for Giant to deliver subscription-based mobile content such as wallpapers, adult-themed gambling and puzzle games, video, SMS/WAP chat and screensavers to consumers, which they can expect by the end of this quarter.

“The people we’re working with tell us the games that we have are the highest quality of any they’ve seen, Adult or otherwise,” Camacho said.

Although only European consumers can purchase content there, samples can be found at

“We’re excited about launching Hustler content here, bringing it from Europe to North America, particularly as the U.S. expands and starts getting into the higher broadband networks,” Giant managing director Robert Barr told

“We focus on Hustler as a brand that is a flagship. We are very careful of taking care of the brands and protecting the brands without taking anything away from them and Hustler is a very important brand for us.”

Giant has content agreements with Hustler and Flash animation studio Johnny Rocketfingers.