Hurricanes D.P. 2 Dozen Adult Stars: Missy, Where Were You?

Hurricanes D.P. 2 Dozen Adult Stars: Missy, Where Were You?

Dirty Bob writes: "I gotta tell ya that we have some brave people in our industry. On the evening of the Tampa Show (Monday the 20th) it was 6:00 pm and all you could see on every TV station was Hurricane Harvey heading directly for Tampa. With 70+ MPH winds, it was scheduled to hit Tampa with the "eye" striking the downtown area at 2:00 am. They closed bridges, schools, taped windows, evacuated the coast, and expected major flooding. The Tampa Show was scheduled for that night at Club XS which is in downtown Tampa and was also "ground zero" for Harvey. Also, everyone was scheduled to fly out at 7am that next morning when the bulk of the winds would still be hitting.

"So what did they do? Despite the Hurricane EVERYONE rescheduled their flight and braved the storm and did the show!

"Fortunately, Harvey suddenly veered off and went south and missed Tampa completely, but we didn't know that until after the show was over. NOBODY LEFT! We have a helluva good group of people and they all deserve credit for sticking it out and braving both HURRICANE FLOYD & HURRICANE HARVEY, which got 'em coming and going.

"Also from Tampa: We did a celebrity car wash for AIM last Friday which resulted in close to a thousand bucks! This, combined with a buck from every ticket sold for the Tampa Show, netted AIM around $3500! Sharon Mitchell, present at the show, was quite pleased with the result - especially with the hurricanes obviously affecting the attendance wiith a little less than half the normal turnout.

"Also ALMOST from Tampa: SHYLA FOXX, MISSY, and MICKEY G. : WHERE ARE YOU? Despite a contract, no phone call, no show, no nothing. The same goes for JIM GUNN'S new gal ASHLEY HEART. No show, no call. We even had Shyla lined up to be the opening dance act for the show! It really screwed things up when they didn't show, but c'mon now, folks, have some courtesy and at LEAST make a phone call. I'm really disappointed in all of you! Dirty Bob."

Bob adds a postscript: "Dirty Gene: Almost forgot: there were club raids during the time of our caravan stops in Tampa. In fact, I was at Diamond Dolls when one occurred. The police came in, shut down the music, and basically walked around snooping for a half hour before arresting a few locals for (can you believe this shit) wearing t-back bottoms. They left our adult video people alone (we behaved!) and with no hassles. I was told that they do this on a regular basis in this particular county. When they arrived the locals boo'ed them, and the girls put on shirts which had the club name on one side and VICE written on the other (see how often it happens in Pinellas County?). It was incredible."

Bob submitted a clip from the St. Petersburg Times, published September 19, 1999 that describes sheriff's detectives raiding two adult-entertainment clubs early Saturday, arresting 25 dancers and two club managers.

According to the newspaper, the dancers were charged with violating Pinellas County's nudity ordinance, which forbids dancers from wearing T-back bathing suit bottoms. The two managers were charged with allowing prohibited acts in an alcoholic establishment.

At Christine's Cabaret, deputies arrested 15 dancers and manager David Stewart, 42. At Diamond Dolls, deputies arrested 10 dancers and manager Cecil E. Chapman, 28. When the same club was raided seven weeks ago, deputies arrested 19 dancers and Chapman. No customers were arrested. The club employees arrested were soon bailed out of jail.

According to the newspaper account, several adult nightclubs have filed a federal lawsuit against Pinellas County and Sheriff Everett Rice, alleging that the county's adult-use ordinance is unconstitutional.

Mickey and Missy: The Tampa Saga

Joy King explains the Missy & Mickey fiasco, part of which was exacerbated by the fact that they're no longer living together.

King: "I called Missy and Mickey yesterday to find out what the scoop was. We seem to have this problem every year. They [the Tampa show people] don't talk to us about it. Like we don't exist or something. This happened last year, too, by the way. The only difference was, last year we got involved to make sure it was all happening. But they go direct to them [Mickey and Missy].

"The Tampa people never spoke to us, they never said they'd like to have your contract people there. They do it on their on, and if it doesn't happen, they dog them [Missy and Mickey] - understandably if somebody says they're going to go somewhere. They had talked to Missy about it. She's like the nicest person in the world and doesn't want to say no to anybody. She said okay but never bothered to look at her schedule or look into it that thoroughly.

"They [the Tampa people] went ahead and overnighted a package to them. They sent a package to Mickey's house. She doesn't live there. He didn't pay any attention to it. He left it alone but eventually gave it to her. By then, the thing was already happening. When I spoke to him yesterday and said what is the story, he said he kind of screwed up, he should have taken a look at what that package was and didn't. I asked him were you guys going to go. Mickey said if they had called a little more in advance and reminded them what was happening, they would probably have straightened it all out. They felt like they didn't get that call. I kind of look at it as a little of both. Why they [the Tampa people] don't talk to us about it, I don't understand."

King says Missy is sick and is going to miss a scheduled Canadian trip this week. King says shooting begins this weekend for Dream Quest, Wicked's biggest-ever movie, starring Jenna Jameson. The 8-day shoot schedules locations in Lake Elsinore, the valley and Hollywood. It will be a March release. King says because of the special effects, a lot of time will have to be devoted towards editing. With a contingent of trolls, ogres and fairies in the cast, King decribes it as Legend meets Labyrinth. Then, again, it could be just another day in West Hollywood.

Dave Hardman Show -- or no show?

Lynne Lopatin writes: "Dave Hardman called me last night about 8:30 p.m. "So I heard A*** the cameraman had an emergency? So, are we still shooting? Afternoon, I hope."

Lynne: "No, we're shooting at ten a.m. in Agoura. I booked the crew last week Two cameramen, a tech director, a location and another non-sex performer. And a pool table."

Dave: "Well, uh, I have to do a Cherry Poppers that day, so I guess I'll go home and page him and call you back."

Lynne: "I thought you were going to call Zane last week and try to schedule an afternoon scene, or even ask if we could tag along and videotape the set-up.?"

Dave: "I guess I'll go home and page him and call you back."

"It's now 7:30 a.m. and I have not heard from Dave. I will get my supplies together and head for Agoura at nine and should be able to report back in time for the 11 o'clock news. And I mean it about the Cannes cut, the Sundance cut, the HBO cut... Best Regards, Lynne"

Trash Talking

Becca Five writes: "Hey, Gene, You've been writing this gossip a lot longer than I've been reading it, but have you noticed that it all runs on the same theme? Someone will accuse someone else of being a low down, drugged up, herpes carryin', no show alcoholic skank, and the accused is always as naive and innocent as a hayseed. "Why golly, gosh, gee whiz, no, Gene, I have no idea why they're spreading all those lies about me. I love everyone in the industry." Insert smiley face here. "By the way, have you heard the good news? The Pope called--I'm up for canonization!"

"Do you have a basic grasp on who's lying and who isn't, or are you too busy giggling your ass off to care?! Becca Five."

Gene sez: "Yeah, I'm fuckin' laughin' all the way to the bank."

Radio Darklady is Back ON the Air

Darklady writes: "Darklady supporters are the best -- and I'll whup anyone who says otherwise!

"The response from advertisers and sponsors has been so overwhelming that Radio Darklady is returning to the airwaves on October 2nd from noon until 1pm. Less time for now but fewer financial headaches. Enough promises of support have been received that KGUY has agreed to let me back on the air without my paying any money up-front. That means the station has confidence in YOU, the community that believes in my programming. Congratulate yourselves!

"I have no guest lined up for the 2nd yet, but once I get back from Folsom next week I'll sign the KGUY contract and get the wheels moving. If we go without guest, I'll open the lines for calls and talk about the new book, SM Classics and Susie Bright's latest release, Full Exposure. Expect plenty of Tales from Folsom, too.

"Thursday night I'll be attending a party for erotic writers, hosted by the gracious Fetish Diva Midori and including such luminaries as Carol Queen, Annie Sprinkle, Ellen Thompson of Fetish Magazine, Bill Brent and myself. Friday it's dinner with BDSM video switch and producer, Kym Wilde and a visit to the Power Exchange. Saturday it's the Society of Janus Ball and then Sunday the main event: the Folsom Street Fair. Maybe I'll see some of you there?

"Ongoing advertising and sponsorships will keep Radio Darklady on the air so, if you've been thinking of getting involved but haven't yet, contact Gwen at KGUY to set up an ad contract or e-mail me for sponsorship information.

"Again, thanks to all who've shared their enthusiasm and support with me and let's keep Radio Darklady on the airwaves!

Voter Registration

Mike Ross writes: "Saw your site, and the stuff that Sande Weinstein and Gloria Leonard have written. At this time, I choose not to respond to either (I won't dignify either with a comment), rather I would like to let my work speak for myself.

"If you would be so kind as to take 5 minutes of our time and click on the URL below, I think it will make a good story.....

"This is the xxx voter registration site, and I could use some help promoting it... basically what it is is a way to download voter registration forms - the national and 23 states. All people need to do is click on the link, and the voter registration form they have chosen will download. Then the consumer just needs to send it in through the mail.

"This is designed as part of our industry wide voter registration drive. In fact, I am asking that all adult businesses with adult sites contact me for a copy of the "xxx voter registration module" that we have created (THE COST FOR THE MODULE IS FREE, BUT WE ARE REQUESTING THAT A $50 DONATION BE MADE. MONEY COLLECTED FROM THE SALE OF THIS MODULE WILL BE USED TO PROMOTE THE INDUSTRY VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE)

"It is our goal to register 25,000 new voters between October 15 and the end of the year, and believe that this site will help.

"The module is available to anyone, all they need to do is email us and well forward it. Because things change on a regular basis, we will be updating the module every month.

"I hope that you can do a story on this and look forward to talking to you about it...Thanks, Mike Ross."

Male Stripper Who Wants to Be Taken Seriously As A Politician Gets Arrested

A male stripper is running for a seat on the Asheville, North Carolina City Council. Ukiah Morrison, 26, who uses the stage name Mo Jo Risin, says he's paid $300 an hour to take off his clothes and dance. Likewise, Morrison is often seen parading around or sunbathing in downtown Asheville in a G-string and openly admits to extensive drug use.

Fact is, Morrison is running on the drug ticket. After graduating from high school in Ohio, he spent three years in the U.S. Army, completed police academy in Jacksonville, Fla., and worked as a guard in Florida's Nassau County Jail, a job that he says he was fired from.

"I know how the criminal justice system works," he said. "I know how they profit from drugs sold in the community. It's because of the police that there are drug dealers."

After admitting to continual use of marijuana, LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms and other so-called "natural" drugs, Morrison said it's time to take a hard look at legalization. Morrison claims to have spearheaded an effort that has resulted in a petition drive to encourage Asheville City Council members to make marijuana enforcement a "low priority" in Asheville. Morrison spoke at City Council meetings several times last year asking the City Council to consider making this a policy.

Morrison carries around a bag with crumpled notebooks and other items. In one book he shows tax-paid stamps for marijuana he has purchased.

"I've committed plenty of crimes," he said. "I just don't get caught. Ironically, no sooner had Morrison made that comment that he was charged with assaulting two patrons at a downtown pizza restaurant last month.

Morrison was free on a $1,000 unsecured bond after being charged with assault on a female and assault inflicting serious injury. His court date is Oct. 18. When asked what his arrest would mean to his candidacy, Morrison replied, "I guess we'll find out in the future."


Janine: "I'm Leaving the Business; I Want Babies: I Want Normalcy"

Well, it's more than just a rumor. Janine confirmed in a phone conversation Wednesday morning that she's leaving the adult biz to pursue other interests. Janine said she had called Vivid to tell them.

"I've been going on my seventh year, now," she said. "It was fun. A lot of people said, 'God, why, did they treat you bad? Are you mad? What's the problem?' It's nothing like that at all. I love the business. It was very good to me. The people were great, and I have no complaints about that whatsover.

"The whole Janine persona-thing never really fit well with me," she continued. "I wasn't one to boast about it and think I was really cool. I just kind of want to get rid of that. Along with that, it seems that the more money you make, the more problems that come along.

"Heck, I'm 30 now," she says. "My son's 8, and I got to face reality and address what's been happening for these last seven years. A couple of years down the road he's going to want to know, and I'd like to say it was something I had done in the past. I don't regret doing it, but it's just not where I'm at, now."

Janine says she was going to Sacramento and that she planned to continue dancing for awhile but will eventually phase out that portion of her career as time deems fit. She says the website and fan club will eventually be phased out, too. "That will keep me afloat, right now," she said. Janine also said she plans to teach kindergarten. "I'm dead serious - I always wanted that. It was always a fear that I'd be rejected as a school teacher. Parents might say, 'You can't be a porn star and teach our children.' But now I think I'm going to try anyways.

"I want babies; I want normalcy," she commented. "I want to downsize and get that little house with a white picket fence." Asked if there was an outside influence guiding her decisions, Janine said, "This has been something I wanted to do this past year. But I was afraid in disappointing people. I have the big, beautiful house and the cool cars, but I felt if I let it go, people would say, 'Oh she's lost it or failed.' That's not it. But now I'm on a different chapter. This has had a lot to do with soul-searching and just being that I'm kind of grown up and changed a little bit. There's different things I want. Realizing that more income and more notoriety is not what it's all about.

"I've got a really good support system with my family," she went on to say. "They're cool with whatever I decide to do. I had broken up with Riki [Rachtman] recently these past two months..."

G. Ross: See, now you blew your chance to be a Nitro Girl."

Janine: "Darn - but it gave me a period to reflect and figure some stuff out. I feel really good and really confident about this. I adore the fans and the people I work with. You might see me as part of a crew on a movie set, or wardrobe. I genuinely like the people in the industry. I kind of want to keep my clothes on for awhile."

Janine's not ruling out the possibility of doing some mainstream movie gigs. She had appeared in a couple of straight-to-video schlockers before getting into adult. "I think I've dome maybe five or six mainstream titles, a couple of which I was lucky to get the lead," she says. "That was fun. That was more work and less pay, but it is something I might be interested in trying my hand at one more time. But I'm very realistic to know that I'm not going to be Michelle Pfeiffer. You can't go from seven years of porn and be taken seriously as far as acting. I can do certain roles."

Janine says she's now sandy blond "and a lot of gray - I'm letting the gray go." Janine noted that her physical transformations throughout the years - hair color, tattoos, etc. were all leading to some finalized statement to "stray away".

Vivid head Steve Hirsch said, "We support Janine in any decision she makes."

The Mexico Trip Has NOT Been Postponed

Producer/director Michael Adam said he's been going nuts fielding rumors from talent who claim to be hearing that the Mexico trip in October has been postponed. NOT. Adam also said he's telling talent to get tested by at least next week, so that they can have a safe window that extends through the vacation which winds up Oct. 23. Other than that, the only change seems to be the fact that Houston's out of the bukkake scene because of her travel schedule. Adam says he's scheduling Bridget Kerkove and Juliana Sterling.

Sean Michaels Shoots

Sean Michaels works with RayVeness in her first interracial scene - a d.p., with Dizzy Blond playing second trombone in the musical trio. The scene will be shot Thursday at Bobby Gallagher's MidValley Studios.

"We've been talking about it for awhile, but timing is everything," said Michaels. "She's very excited about it." Michaels says he's going to use RayVeness for a series of things involving his company. "This girl has just gotten better, more experienced, more sexual, and that's what I see in her," Michaels said. "We have chemistry." Michaels said the scene will appear in "Rocks That Ass Part 6: Octoberpussy, The Dark Side of RayVeness." Midori, who now works for Michaels in the company office, will do a scene Saturday with Ian Daniels for the feature.

"The movie's going to be around my Sean Bond character," Michaels adds. "I'm reinventing myself at end of my career. People really seem to like the character. This will lead to a feature that I want to shoot at the beginning of the year. I want to shoot that one on film, if possible." Michaels said he'd like to title that feature: "Sean Bond in Coldfinger."

Michaels says he's also going to Prague to get footage for "that European feel" to put in the film.

Michaels says he's getting the re-orders. "That's the barometer to tell what's going on with your stuff. I feel like I have the support of my peers - they've been there for me. I feel like I'm in a real good groove." He particularly credits IVD with support in that respect. Michaels says he's been asked by Ginger Lynn to play her husband in her next feature. Michaels and Lynn also worked together in Torn.

Michaels will be at IA 2000 in Miami and then the East Coast Show in Atlantic City.

Randy Spears, Report to Your Parole Officer

A letter from his parole officer requesting an important Sept. 27 meeting at 11 am has come in for Randy Spears. Except, Mark Stone, with whom Spears was living with, doesn't know how to get in touch with Spears. Stone says he last heard from Spears last week. Spears called Stone at the time to say he just got out of jail - four months. "I want to pay you your money; I want to get this over with. I want to be friends again," Spears told Stone. Spears owes Stone money for the time Stone bailed him out of jail. Stone, who said the money isn't his primary concern at this juncture, was supposed to see Spears the following day, Friday, to settle up.

Stone said he wasn't holding his breath. Sure enough, Spears never showed up. "Like I was in shock! I couldn't believe that!" Stone says. Stone says he then wound up giving Dyanna Lauren a hand over the weekend. On the set, Stone said he ran into a guy who stayed at the same halfway house Spears was in for a time. The guy told Stone that Spears had gone to Las Vegas for the weekend, and that rumor had it Spears had been given a huge chunk of change to shoot movies and start a video line with.

"I'm thinking holy shit," Stone mused. "The money is gone. Whoever gave him that money is one sorry sonofabitch. What do you think would happen if Randy Spears went to Las Vegas with a pocketful of money?"

Lawyerly Advice

Kianna Bradley Slate writes: "Gene, HI, well my lawyer advised me to discontinue all this Internet mess about Jasmine [St. Claire], but I must reply from Tuesday's entrees. I would like you to inform Jasmine for me that Earl is in fact very sober and is doing very well, he is very happy and healthy and thanks for her concern. It is a shame however, that she would use a very serious disease like alcoholism, against someone. Not to worry, he is overcoming it fine. It is funny though if I were with someone like her, I would probably drink too. You know all of her accusations are far from what the truth now is.

"I know what she is doing to Earl and me is now and is the truth. Her making it like it is all us, is bullshit. Our lawyer is giving you a copy of the statement I was talking to you about, and the (PHOTOCOPIED CHECK) not canceled, she made to Earl for loss of wages. I guess her saying she let him borrow the money sounds really good but when you see it and the statement for loss wages on the PHOTOCOPIED CHECK you will then know the truth.

"IT all started with me asking her to leave me alone with all the hang up calls I was getting. I dont know if she thought I was just stupid or what. She says she doesn't want to be in this? All she had to do was stop fucking with my husband. I dont care what she has to say about him or what anyone else has to say about him for that matter, I love him very much and plan to back him up through all of this, and I do have a lot of friends who back me as well. and one other thing, if she is doing her homework correctly, has she found out who my brother is?

"I'm sorry for putting you in the middle of this Gene. It will I hope, be over soon. This is all very stupid, and I'm sorry it ever got started, although I still wish to challenge her on Friday night [at XPW Wrestling] face to face. Kianna Bradley."

Letters from Bianca

In a follow-up conversation with Kianna Bradley Slate, she was asked to comment on the following email from Bianca Trump.

Trump writes: "Gene if this Kianna Bradley Slate is the brunette oriental looking type from Florida boy do i have some stories for you. In fact I have proof and stories. This girl is a true scumbag. she used to work for me as an escort. And for my partners escort servce. And got her ex fired from a club here that he was managing. She is a serious drug addict and worse yet a MAJOR dead beat mommy.

Trump also had this to say in conversation.

Trump: "That girl is a dirtbag. That's the nicest thing I can say about her. She was living here [Ft. Lauderdale] for a long time. I knew she did a couple of movies for Randy West. She also worked as an escort down here. She got into a lot of trouble down here. Like some of the things I've seen about her being a dead beat mom, it's all true. She ripped off a good friend of mine really bad. She was dating the manager of a Club called Tens. She got him fired, and they sent the cops after them. Her and her boyfriend stole ten grand out of the safe at the club. Everybody knew about it. She got like chased out of Florida. She did so many people wrong down here. She's got warrants here, still. Her mom is suing her for back child support. Her mom's not like a nice person, ‘Can I leave my kids here?' Her mom had to fight for custody. Next thing I knew she was working for my old partner, Mark. She was working for me when I had my service. When I sold that and got rid of it, she was working for Mark. She owed him a bunch of money."

Trump said someone had referred Bradley to her, saying she had done a couple of movies. "I asked Randy about her, and he said she was really pretty," Trump recalls. "I hired her then she disappeared on me. She owed me money. Then she popped up not knowing that Mark and I were partners on a website. It's kind of a small town when you're in that business. You know everybody. When you owe somebody money, your name's out on the street. So Mark had her working for him. The first credit card call she did is when he told her. She wasn't getting her money, it was going to me. That's how she found out he knew me. But he kept her. She was a good pull. She had done movies, you can charge more. People wanted to see her. And then she owed him money and disappeared.Then she popped up again."

Trump claims that Bradley then went to live in a townhouse belonging to Trump's acquaintances, and, allegedly "robbed the townhouse of a whole bunch of shit." My friend filed police reports. I know she had warrants for that one. Then she disappeared again. Then my friend [Bobbi Jo] found out the guy she started dating was working at Tens as the manager. I was down there with Marty Foyer the feature agent one night and they said they had fired him. They said she was pregnant and dancing there and drinking and shit. The manager started doing drugs, then one night when she was waiting for him to close up, he stole ten thousand out of the safe. They fired him. Supposedly she disappeared, and no one knew who's baby it was. I know she's got at least three kids.

"If you contact Xcitement, you can see the back issues - both for me and her. We're both advertised in there. In fact I think she did a layout for Xcitement.

"I know she owed money for back child support because she called Mark one time asking him for some. He laughed saying you owe me money and you want to borrow money? He never got his money because she stopped escorting because she got pregnant. It's funny that she ended up out there. [California].

Bradley Slate commented: "I don't know who she is. I lived in Ft. Lauderdale, but I don't know who Bianca Trump is. I never did any escorting. I did work at a Club called Tens. I'm very welcome in Florida. I have a lot of friends in Florida. I worked for Michael J. Peters for a long, long time. Many years. I did work as a model for Xcitement Magazine. I was captain of their modeling team. And at one point I was in every ad in 1997. People would buy my pictures from them and advertise them on escort pages. I remember I once showed up on a 900 ad that said, ‘Hi, my name is Sandy, let me suck your dick.' There was one escort ad that I was on. It was two-pages. I yelled at Bob [Newman] for having me on there. That was a little too much. People were going to think I was an escort. They took it off the next month. But they're really good guys there."

Bob Newman of Xcitement Magazine called to comment: "I'm pretty well-tuned to what's going on down here, and I haven't heard any of this. Kianna's pictures have appeared in escort ads, but that's way back when we shot portfolios. I speak highly of her, and she's a very fine girl. She's okay and a lot of people love her. I would hold judgment on this."

Kilgore Was Here

Kid Vegas mosied into the AVN offices the other day with Allison Kilgore, his on-again, off-again sweetie. They're apparently now on-again. "Everybody's surprised seeing us back together," said Vegas. Kilgore states categorically there is no Baby Vegas, though she admits she was pregnant. "It could not have been...ever.."

"She aborted baby Vegas, I think," says the Kid.

Vegas is on the physical mend. His eyebrow, which has been stitched up due to an auto mishap, is healing. Vegas said he and Kilgore are talking marriage, that Kendra Jade is out of the picture. Kilgore said she's burned-out on relationships.

"She missed me. She called me from Dallas, and told me she was coming out," Vegas said. Kilgore said since she had a stopover in LA on her way to Las Vegas, she decided to stop over. Literally. Kilgore said, at first, she "didn't have the balls" to call the Kid after all that's happened between them. "I told him I didn't like men anymore," Kilgore said. "I don't hate them. I just don't want a relationship with one. I don't really like having sex, and like he'll try having sex with me." On the other hand, Vegas said they had been having sex all weekend. Kilgore says Vegas sometimes gets on her nerves. "He can be very nerve wracking," she says. "I'm really mellow and quiet and can't deal with it."

Kilgore says she's not really back in the business but does a shoot here and there. "I don't stay in LA long enough." Kilgore also said she doesn't want to have to deal with the dieting and other self-esteem issues the industry has a tendency to instill in women.

Vegas says he's mulling over a project to do a girls and guns calendar with girls going down on gun barrels. He wants Kilgore to be part of it. She says she wants no parts of it.

When asked by the missing and controversial Cocksucking Skank Whores movie, Vegas shrugged his shoulders and said, "I guess the movie disappeared - permanently." Vegas said he wasn't aware of the fact that Master Dominic [the tape's editor] had surfaced at an Oscar De La Hoya pay-per-view party over the weekend. Vegas said he's taking time off and waiting for the bruising to go away before he shoots again. "It'll be either Porno Cops or Trenchcoat Pornographer," he says. "It'll be for Legend." Vegas claims he never left Legend.

"They got a movie in-the-can coming out Oct. 11 that I did," he says. "I shot it with John T. Bone's camera. It's called Fear and Loathing with Kid Vegas."

Kilgore's ex, Brian, comments on the fact that Kilgore is going around with Vegas again.

Brian: "It's interesting to say the least because of the police report she has against him in the city of Las Vegas. God only knows what she's thinking. I have spoken to Regan [Senter], her agent. I was just in shock. She actually spent all weekend calling me from the dump of a motel she was staying in. She even called me last night begging me to stay with her, that she's out of the porn business. Then, reading on your site that she's with Kid Vegas is a shock. She had someone break into her apartment in Las Vegas a month after we went through the Kid Vegas thing the first time. She was given a black arm, a bloody nose, somebody ripped her panties off her, attempted to rape her, stole $400. The police came, and she told them it was Kid Vegas that did it. Whatever's going through her mind, God only help her. I broke up with her for good two weeks ago. That's why she ran back to Kid Vegas. She's co-dependent to say the least. But she's not thinking straight if she's calling me and hanging out with him."

The Dave Hardman Update

Lynne Lopatin writes: "Dave Hardman apparently told my cameraman late Monday night that he might be available at 3 p.m. in Chatsworth. My cameraman failed to share this information with me and then made an appointment to have his car worked on.

"I asked for clarification, as we know we needed a matching shot which could easily be done at my home or at Mid-Valley a few blocks away. I asked that David be contacted and that he could keep the time but should do it over he