Houston's Labia Operation

During the time it took to set up the mechanics of Houston's labia operation which will be broadcast on karasxxx.com April 15, Houston's compatriot Kevin Blatt had himself surgically removed from the YNOT Network where he was VP of sales and marketing, in one of the bigger stories of the past week. Blatt was incommunicado for a time but got an outpouring of electronic love from many of his friends and clients.

Blatt: "I signed a confidentiality agreement so I really can't bash anyone too badly. I was the VP of sales and marketing which meant I was the p.r. guy for the last year. They switched me to the actual advertising side of things where I was selling the actual ad spots on the site as well. It wasn't something I was happy about. It wasn't what I wanted to do. I left corporate America to get out of quotas and sales. But being a team player, I took on the responsibility for that as well. Basically, it was going with more of a corporate structured environment. I just happen to feel that adult business in itself is an oxymoron, but to complicate it any further by implementing a corporate structure and making YNOT into the next Starbucks wasn't consistent with what they wanted initially.

"At IA2000 we announced that Flying Crocodile had purchased YNOT. I brokered the deal. From there, things started happening that were out of my control. I didn't want to be micro-managed. It came down to a disagreement we had that got a little bit heated. I decided to move on and get on with my life. I was limiting myself.

"So I've been entertaining offers from the video side of the business - Astral Oceans, the Seymore Butts' the Sean Michaels' all these people started coming out of the woodwork saying they need help with the Internet. Are you available for consulting? I'm excited. But I'm not making up my mind until after the April 15 surgery.

Blatt: "Are you going to watch the operation?"

G. Ross: "I'm going to be in Hawaii that day. I'll be at coconut cutting class when the labia operation is going on."

Blatt: "It's going to be something different. I saw an actual surgery last week. It is not pretty. It's not bloody but it's not pretty, either. It's a very delicate surgery. They take fat, and it's hard to find it on Houston's body, and they inject it into the outer labia. I got more information on pussy. After this surgery, I never want to hear, see or lick another labia again."

G. Ross: "I feel the same way about cock."

Blatt [laughing]: "It was really something. I went to Beverly Hills to check out the surgeon so we could coordinate from the camera perspective."

G. Ross: "Do you think this could lead to a video series?"

Blatt: "Houston owns the rights to the video. She will be selling it to a company in Europe as a documentary. In fact British Television Channel 4 is doing a huge story on women and Web contributions they've made."

G. Ross: "After your labia, there isn't much left to give."

Blatt: "A lot of people are going to find it informative. Women are going to find it to be something they didn't know they had an option of this surgery. It will lead to a stronger orgasm for the majority of women who have this type of surgery."

G. Ross: "You mean drugs and alcohol might become passe?"

Blatt: "Exactly. There will always be a need for that for moistening, if you will. If this goes well we'll do a cock enlarging surgery soon. If you're interested."

G. Ross: "Interested? I've got inches to give away."