Houston on the Mend

As if there could be any drawbacks about being in Maui. But, if you're keeping score looking for one, possibly you have the fact that we didn't get to see the Houston labia operation first hand on April 15. But take heart. According to Kevin Blatt, the operation has beeen archived, and you can see it either at karasxxx.com or fetishhotel.com

Blatt: "The labia surgery was a real success. It was unbelievable, and you can see it on those sites for the next three to six months. Both are RJB websites. RJB is the company that produced this in coordination with Houston. They're very good people and one of the most reputable on the web.

"Houston is recuperating nicely. No major complications. She looks fabulous, and I saw the finished product the other day where I did some exploratory research. At first glance it looks very nice, but it's not fully operational yet. The operation itself was about 20 minutes. It was a very simple procedure. The doctor that did it was Dr. Takowski. As a matter of fact when you see the operation, Dee Money [Blatt's brother] and I are interviewing the cast of characters prior. I handled the interview with Dr. Takowski. Dr. Takowski was not aware of the gangbang. He was aware of the fact that she was a porn star. One of the questions I asked him very gingerly, is, are you aware that Houston did a 620-man gangbang, and, if so, could this have contributed to the atrophy. The look on his face is worth the $29.95. He was so embarrassed because this was so out of his league.

"But it's so cool because you get the whole limo ride down, you get a personal perspective about her. She was all smiles and excited and just revved up like she was doing a gangbang. But, typical Houston, she went through it with flying colors. The media has been all over it this week. Calls from Extra, Hard Copy, British TV; everyone's catching on about this thing, though. It's also going to be sold on the home video market as well, and a company in Germany has already opted for the rights to do a documentary.

"It's been nuts. We pushed a lot of bandwidth on this thing. We had to accommodate for the spike on April 15. Tom at Blue Gravity is the guy who deserves a plug of anybody. He's one of the best hosting companies around. The kid's 22 years-old. He was able to provision enough bandwidth within a 48 hour window that normally would have taken two months to get provisioned. He pulled it off.

"And I'll be speaking with [Howard] Stern. I'm sending them a tape. I know once Stern sees this thing he's going to flip. It's really cool. It's all fun and games; it's total Gen-X and total Houston. It's not for the squeamish. The hardest part is the liposuction part of it. She has no fat on her body. The actual watching of the suction is kind of hard to watch. They actually take that fat, and they inject it in the outer walls of the labia. That's really something to see.

"My brother's also got a new Internet programming show coming up called The Dee Money Show. It shows our life and just how difficult our life is - hanging with porn stars in San Diego and going to record release parties. It's rough. One thing I'll tell you, though, after this, I don't want to see anything that has to do with genitalia. I'm serious."