Hot Chocolate

Very aptly named, Chocolate, who came into the business September of last year, said she got burnt during the week. Believe it or not. Since she's been in the business, Chocolate, one very exotic beauty, has done work for Video team but says her next big career move is doing a bukkake. Just kidding. Or maybe she's not. You never quite know with her.

Chocolate: "When I get back I'm going to start a website, with milk."

G. Ross: "You can't do milk after your dot com."

Chocolate: "I can't?"

G. Ross: "You can do milk before your dot com."

Chocolate: "Okay, I'll do it with cum, dot com. But somebody's going to have to teach me how to do this."

G. Ross: "I have a feeling you'll get a lot of volunteers."

Chocolate: "And they'll have to pay for it, too, because I don't have any money. I'm broke."

G. Ross: "You should carry a sign, 'Will work for website.' So what else do you do besides being beautiful? "

Chocolate: "I have a three year-old daughter. I'm a mommy."

G. Ross: "You don't look like a mommy."

Chocolate: "I spit her out. I'm a mommy."

G. Ross: "So what do you do to keep yourself so trim?"

Chocolate: "I suck dick. When you go back and forth you lose weight."

G. Ross: "When did you find out you were a dick sucker?"

Chocolate: "When I was about 17."

G. Ross: "What were the circumstances?"

Chocolate: "I put my daughter's daddy in my mouth. Two years later I had a baby."