Here's the true story from the horse's mouth

Luke Ford talks about how Rob Black was supposed to have left contract guy Luciano high and dry with medical bills due to penis problems incurred in Brazil. Here's the true story from the horse's mouth.

Luciano admits to having shot up his dick because he couldn't work with rubbers.

Luciano: "I used that shit, and my dick stayed hard. I never did it before. I did it because of the fucking rubbers. I can't work with them. It's all anal down there. So, yeah, I shot it [his penis], and I guess I did too much. I don't need surgery. I went to a urologist. I've seen two. One is a teacher of urology at UCLA. Yeah, my dick's been horrible. I can barely do b.j. scenes. Barely. But, last night, Tommy [Byron] let me take the camera home to start learning how to use it and stuff. I was shooting with my chick and just fucking around. She grabbed it and my dick got hard. I couldn't believe it. It was like 100% turnaround. I was concerned up to yesterday's event that I might have to resort to shooting it period, from now on, to get a hard on. I didn't want to resort to that because it's horrible. If I had to, I'd do Viagra, but not shoot my dick. It was hard and I was fucking her, and I came from it; and then like four hours later we started messing around again. She started sucking on it. My dick got hard. It was the first time in two months. I couldn't believe it. I'm totally happy right now. I'm totally stoked I'm back. I'm not done. My doctor says I won't even have scar tissue, it's going to take time to heal. Because when they put holes in the tip to drain, they created a little vacuum leak from the tip to the valve. [Luciano had the procedure done in Brazil. "It was an old procedure but a good procedure."] That needed time to close up, and I couldn't get it hard. I left it alone for the last two months. You just need time to heal."

Luciano said he did have priapism that left him hard and erect for 23 hours. "I couldn't stand up or zip my pants. I was in so much pain," Luciano says. "It was a nightmare. But when I got back I went to see the doctors. I told Rob I can't work what can I do. I wanted to see if he'd offer me something else to make money. He offered me a bunch of stuff and editing was one of them. I've been editing all last month. I made a lot of money from it. I picked it up pretty quick. It's pretty cool. In a way, because of this problem, I'm editing. If I didn't have this problem, I wouldn't have thought of doing it. It's kind of like a blessing in disguise. But I hope I can back to performing like I used to, and maybe direct my own thing now. Maybe this was all meant to happen. I don't know. It seems that way. Rob offered me other options. I'm going to start writing a script and shoot my own stuff, not be in it, but direct it. But it's not true that they [Extreme Associates] didn't help me. That's false. Totally.

Extreme Associates is meeting with their attorneys today to discuss a legal course of action against another company which may have broached a licensing agreement regarding two of Extreme titles, Asswoman and Lewd Behavior. Until the picture becomes clear, certain parties will remain nameless in what may become a potentially explosive scenario.

Jon Blatt, sales manager of Extreme Associates, has this to say: "When people represent somebody in the cable market or the foreign market they go out there and try to solicit the best deals possible. And then they come back and go, here are the deals.... we have this, this, this and this. Then the owner of the company's allowed to make a choice. I'll take this deal. I won't take that deal. Well, I guess this person took it upon themselves, when we told them they had the right to go out and solicit deals, that they had power of attorney over Extreme Associates to sign contracts. You know at the bottom [of the contract] where it would say Extreme Associates and then the name of the cable company where the cable company rep has to sign and Extreme has to sign? Where it says Extreme Associates, this cable rep signed. You can't do that. You're supposed to come to the owner of the company and say here's what I got. It wasn't happening. Until I came in here and found out what was going on. I put a tourniquet on the bleeding. Now of course we're having huge problems. [With the cable company's local exec.] He's telling people that we don't own the movies. There's a couple of movies that he's airing right now that we haven't contracted with. I don't understand how he can do this. There's no contract whatsoever on Asswoman. They're airing them. There's a big premier going for Asswoman right now. He actually faxed me a thing stating he's going to pay Tiffany Mynx since we never paid her to produce, direct or star in the movie, and she owns the movie and he's going to pay her. I got a feeling this guy is going to hang Tiffany out to dry in the long run. He's got his own agenda. It's just a nightmare we don't need. Let me tell you. We got this guy telling Tiffany and Van [Damage] things that aren't true. They [Mynx and Damage] don't know any better. I think they got Van and Tiffany to believe they really own these titles. I don't know where we stand on this until we check out and see where we can go with this. I'd hate to say I'm almost hundred percent right and look like a fucking asshole. They [Extreme} trusted their cable sales distributor to look out for their best interest which did not happen. It's not true. Extreme trusted people, now they're getting fucked. It's not going to happen any longer.

Blatt reports that Lizzy Borden's House of Whores went out the door with 3450 pieces. "I think we're really getting up there," says Black. "We have good product."