Hell on Heels tour

Jenna Jameson and Nikki Tyler are currently doing their Hell on Heels tour. They're dancing at Cheetahs in Toronto through the end of this week and will be at the Paramount Theatre in Vancouver from March 24 to March 27. That's if...

Proving that she IS hell on heels, Jameson pulled a fancy pole maneuver in Cheetahs that sent Tyler directly to the hospital for stitches. Jameson, inadvertently, got Tyler right in the eye with one of her boots as she was sliding down the pole.

Jameson: "Just as I start sliding down, Nikki walks over to me. I never saw her, all I remember was feeling this thud as my boot slammed into her face. It was horrible. I mean, everyone in the place was like, oh my God! I knocked her right on her ass. But she's a trooper, so she gets up and starts dancing, so I figure she's okay, so I keep dancing. The next thing I know, I'm on the stage alone and there's a pool of blood on the floor! I thought I'd die! I ran backstage to find her, and there's blood everywhere and her eye is all swollen. I felt sooo bad, I can't even tell you. The show must go on, so while I finished the last set alone, Nikki went to the hospital where they x-rayed her head to make sure there wasn't a fracture. Lucky she had a hard noggin! She ended up with three stitches under her eye. It's pretty swollen. All I know is she's lucky I was wearing my boots and not some big 'ol spike heels. Woulda put an eye out for sure."