Heidi Ho: "Marc Medoff's Promises Are Shit"

Even though she admits she hasn't seen Marc Medoff's latest comments about her in print, Heidi Ho has this to say.

Ho: I'm not very happy about this because I think Marc Medoff is a piece of shit. I don't know what Marc Medoff has planned but I'll be glad to cyber smear him anytime he wants. But I know if I spend any portion of my short life on Marc Medoff I won't be a happy person. And he doesn't deserve to have any recognition from my name. He is a liar and when I did get up to New York, things didn't happen that were promised. However, I did get on Inside Edition, no thanks to Marc Medoff. It will be airing this week and Marc Medoff had nothing to do with it because he could never do anything with them. His promises are shit. I am not a liar, and the reason I'm calling you is so that other girls in this business don't have to fuck people in order to get things done. Marc Medoff's only design is to get fucked and maybe he will put a story out on somebody. Marc Medoff will not go anywhere close to me again. Put a big warning label out there, girls beware. If you have any sort of good looks, or if you have any kind of name or want to go anywhere in the business, you won't get anywhere by fucking Marc Medoff. By the way, I'm kind of worried. Why don't you ask him to send me an AIDS test."

G. Ross: "You didn't see one?"

Ho: "He said he had one."

G. Ross: "But did you see one? Did you ask for one?"

Ho: "I absolutely asked for one."

G. Ross: "What was his response?"

Ho: "He said I'll get it for you. But that never happened along with the other bullshit."

G. Ross: "You never saw it then?"

Ho: "No."

G. Ross: "But you're saying you had sex with him."

Ho: "Right."

G. Ross: "Excuse me for saying this but how goofy was that?" [I was tempted to use the word stupid.]

Ho: "Well it was pretty fucking goofy wasn't it? Marc Medoff and his marvelous design to get people in bed in order to make these fucking promises. I had to sleep with Marc Medoff. Nothing happened. Marc Medoff is becoming fucking famous because I spent three fucking minutes for him to fucking get off. I was kind to him. I was going to let him do a story on me. It turned into that he's a big pile of bullshit. He gave me all kinds of reasons that it would be good for me to come to New York. When he found out that I wasn't going to give him the paperwork, he began calling people like Mike Albo and he started calling people like Cheri Magazine telling them not to take me. But on my own merit I got on Inside Edition. Not anything Marc Medoff did, this was on my own merit. Marc Medoff doesn't have the ingenuity of a slug. Everytime Marc Medoff's name gets in print, he's getting something for screwing me around. What did I get out of this? Nothing, just a big goddamn headache. I won't spend another second on that fool. How are girls supposed to know that there are assholes out there like this. The only way they get to know is if they're smart enough to read your column. There's a lot of premises and a lot of stories, and Marc Medoff is one of those that just doesn't turn out. At least there's a credibility thing about me. When I say I'm going to do something, I do it. I heard the story [Medoff's latest response] was no good and I won't take the time because I'm a sensitive person and I will not take the time to look at this. I don't want to get extremely mad and at this point I'm not extremely mad. I'm just slightly aggravated."