Marc Medoff runs the APS, Adult Press Service, the porn industry equivalent of AP, but Las Vegas-based performer Heidi Ho talks of Medoff in terms generally reserved for Environmental Protection Agency manuals. Ho, who has a Jerry Springer-type story to tell about her former marriage, claims that Medoff reneged on promises to make her a media star.
Heidi Ho: "Marc Medoff is hazardous to your health. He's a no-good, lying, conniving bastard that wants to make a buck out of every ho. I'm returning his check, telling him that he's no good for me or anybody else."
G. Ross: "What did he do?"
Ho: "He's a lying little bastard. He wanted to do a story on me, a big promotion; I'm coming out with my new movie Analyze This. He's got this; he's got that. I ended up sitting in a hotel room doing nothing for four days, but I met some very kind people in Manhattan. I worked with Mr. [Rick] Savage; a guy named Jim Cross, a guy named Mike Hammer and I worked with Al Goldstein. He can eat pussy very well. I almost paid him."
G. Ross: "You went specifically to New York to meet with Medoff?"
Ho: "We were going to do a story; a big old promotion regarding my situation here in Nevada where I was married to the Equal Rights Commissioner and he lost his job because he was married to a porn star, yadda, yadda, yadda. Medoff was going to do a big old story. I've worked with all kinds of dildos, but Medoff's battery stopped. He didn't replace them. About the third day he decided that he was just going to sleep. He kept on sleeping."
G. Ross: "Hold on." [Medoff, a consummate professional, no way resembles the type of character Ho is describing.] "What was the deal?"
Ho: "Here I am flying out. I'm supposed to stay at a certain hotel. And he says the boiler in his apartment blew up and needed to stay in the hotel as well. He wanted to stay in my room, but I told him I smoke like a fiend. Besides, I demand a little bit of privacy...I did meet with him but he was staying in a suite downstairs.
"I had certain documents that he wanted to take a look at. I said you can read them in my presence. He goes no, no, no. I don't work like that. 'I have to take them from you and look at them.' I said with Kinkos around the corner? I'm not going to be in contempt of court. All of a sudden he decides to get a little sleepy and I don't see him for two days. So I'm sitting in New York doing nothing for two days. His Hard Copy promises, his Howard Stern promises turned to shit. It was going to be the whole Marylin Star-thing. He was going to get me all this press.
"While I was in New York I worked for Midnight Blue and announced that I would be working at the Bunny Ranch on February 28. I did some photo shoots with Warren Tang and did three or four movies. It turned out okay. That's as far as I wanted to go. I was getting a little tired after eight days in Manhattan. I wasted flour of them on Medoff. I'm going to send his check back. I'm not interested in his stories."
G. Ross: "May I ask you how much the check was for?"
Ho: "No."
G. Ross: "But this was in exchange for you telling your story?"
Ho: "It was half of what I expected. It's going to be Federal Expressed back to him. We had agreed on a certain scenario, but things change. His promises stopped. I heard you had to sleep with him the entire time."
G. Ross: "You did sleep with him?"
Ho: "I did something on camera with him. I feel very ashamed. This might get me to go to confession. I'm one of these girls who has to learn on her own."
As might be expected, Medoff was completely dumbfounded by Ho's rendition of what happened in New York.
Medoff: "She said all of this? It's really pathetic. It's very sad. I guess it's very funny. Heidi can be a very sweet girl, but like a lot of the girls in this business, she's out of her fucking mind. We made an arrangement to bring Heidi to New York based on dozens of conversations we had on the phone. We, the APS, agreed to fly her to New York and put her up in a hotel room in mid town Manhattan by herself for the purpose of interviewing her, take photos and examining documents relating to her case.
"We've been flying girls into New York for about five years now for photo shoots and various projects. No big deal. They all stay at the same hotel. Heidi was put up in her own room as per the agreement. Coincidentally, the boiler in the building where I live in Manhattan blew up. I was staying in a New York apartment for eight days with no heat, no hot water on some of the coldest days we've seen in many years. I moved out. I checked into my own room at the hotel the same night she did. But I wasn't staying with her. There was no issue of that.
"Trying to sleep with her is absurd. But it's not difficult to sleep with Heidi Ho whether you have money or not. Trying to sleep with her is like trying to breathe. But that's not the point. We flew her in for a very serious project. We spent a lot of money putting her up, buying her meals and attending to her. But once she got to New York, she unfortunately did not have the intellectual capacity, the emotional depth or the temperament to go through with the project. Once she checked into the hotel all she started complaining about was that she was bored and she wanted to go out and party to bars and restaurants. She expected to come to New York for a vacation. I kept telling her no, you're not here to do those things.
"We paid all of her expenses and agreed to pay her a $1,000 in addition to all of this for some of the photos, her time and trouble. She came in on a Tuesday afternoon and was staying until Saturday. We needed to spend a lot of time interviewing her. She knew that she needed to spend the time working with us. We told her this was not a vacation. While she was there she tried to set up photo shoots with other magazines, she tried to do gonzo scenes with local pornographers; she was trying to do other things even though we agreed beforehand that she was working specifically for us. If she wanted to stay longer she could. We bought her a round trip ticket so she could have stayed as long as she wanted.
"She needed to work with us for those specified days. Instead she wanted to party and sleep. She went out one night and head sex with the editor of a magazine in the area. She stayed out all night and got drunk. She didn't get up until 3 the next afternoon. We couldn't work with her. She wouldn't cooperate. As much as we tried to remold our schedules to deal with her, it was impossible. By Thursday we were running out of time. At one point she refused to let us see the documents. All she wanted to do was go out and get laid. By Thursday we told her we're not going to pursue this. If you want to do work, you have to tell us what you want to do. If you're not going to cooperate, we're only going to pay you half. But that's it. Basically, she disappeared. She ran off with a magazine editor and got drunk. I didn't hear from her until Saturday. On Saturday she set up some photo shoot with another magazine so she couldn't work with us that day. Finally, I slipped a check for $500 under her door at the hotel with a note on it saying there's still time to do something. Call me. I'm going to be in Vegas. We can complete the task there. I haven't heard from her since Saturday. Then Tuesday morning I got a message from her saying to call her quick. I hadn't had time to call her. I shouldn't have paid her a dime. I'm very sorry she's saying the things she's saying."
G. Ross: "She made it sound like it was you who was partying and getting loaded."
Medoff: "My God that's absolutely insane. That evening she had this date with the magazine editor, I told her your priorities are absolutely screwed up. I suggested that she stay in and work on the project. She said, no, she was going to go out with him. That was 7:30 at night. I went to bed. I found out later that she went out, got crazy, fucked this guy. About two in the morning there was some wild banging at my door. That was them returning from their evening out. I didn't answer. Then they retired to their room together.
"She had complete access to me and to anything she wanted to do. We had all the camera equipment and recording equipment in my room ready to go. She was on the 8th floor, I was on the 7th. All she had to do was walk downstairs. But she was too interested in sleeping, being hung over or doing gonzo movies for Rick Savage. This was insane.