Heather Graham Plays Porn Star For Mainstream Movie ? Again

Network television may not show the adult entertainment industry much love, but the silver screen loves it. Heather Graham, who shot to mainstream fame as Roller Girl in Boogie Nights delves into the role of a porn star again for her new movie The Guru.rnrn

Graham plays Sharonna, a New York-based porn star who ends up tutoring Ramu Gupta, a shy Indian dance teacher, in the ways of love after they meet on a porn set. Gupta was an aspiring actor who ended up being cast in an adult film. Sharonna's coaching helps Gupta become a sexual guru for the New York socialite scene. rnrn

Graham, who had a strict Catholic upbringing, was comfortable being cast as a porn star again. rnrn

"In a way I think of it as a little homage to that role (Roller Girl), but its nothing like it since this is such a light-hearted comedy that doesn't draw on the world of porno," said Graham in a recent interview. rnrn

The Guru, which also starts Marisa Tomei, opens nationwide on January 31. rnrn

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