Harry Mohney's Erotic Museum Showcases Namesake Movie

LAS VEGAS—AVN well remembers the story we posted way back in 2006 when, we were told, that because of dropping attendance, the Erotic Museum would be closing for good. That was a sad day for many reasons—but fortunately, dance club entrepreneur Harry Mohney, who owned the building which housed the museum, wasn't about to give up the iconic idea of preserving the history of  one of America's most maligned forms of entertainment. And so "Harry Mohney's Erotic Heritage Museum" was (re)born!

And now, Smash Pictures has released Jim Powers' comic Night at the Erotic Museum in part as a tribute to Mohney's great work.

"The idea for this movie goes back about four years ago, when I met the owner of Smash Pictures, Dan Quinn, and Harry Mohney, the owner of the Erotic Heritage Museum," recalled Powers. "They wanted to make a movie incorporating the legends of erotica at the museum. I put together a script, making a parody where the night watchman sees the exhibits come to life."

And of course, those "exhibits' are stars who today are considered "legends of porn."

"Oh, I loved it!" exclaimed Seka, one of the few "legends" still alive. "Smash Pictures did a great job in representing those of us from the late 70's and 80's. The girl that played me was perfect!"

That girl was Jenna Ivory, and she blushed upon hearing Seka's compliments.

“It was an honor to be chosen to play Seka in this movie, and to get a thumbs up from her too? It was a milestone in my career, no doubt,” said Jenna. “I wanted nothing more than to do Seka proud; she’s gorgeous, smart, classy, and someone I aspire to be.”

And of course, the Museum itself couldn't be happier, since the movie, which is now in retail outlets and can also be purchased right at the museum, should drive attendance, as porn viewers clamor to check out the "set" where the whole movie was shot. And just so they don't miss it, Mohney and Smash Pictures have placed a giant banner at the Museum's doorway (pictured) both to welcome visitors and to promote the movie.

Yep, that's the way the used to do things!