Houston \nIGallery is now the exclusive online distributor for The Houston 500 World's Biggest Gang Bang video feed, the adult Web host says.

Already said to be the year's biggest-selling adult videotape, the online feed will also offer Webmasters "an incredible membership conversion and retention tool," says IGallery's creative director, Scott Schalin.

"Thanks to an abundance of mainstream press, the gang bang has become this year's Pamela Anderson-Tommy Lee tape," he says. "Users have heard about this incredible (sic) event and want to see it just for curiosity's sake. Those sites who carry this feed and promote it will reap tremendous subscriber benefits."

Buxom Houston broke the standing record when she agreed to have sex with 500 men in one afternoon but pushed herself to 620 - the record Sabrina Johnson hopes to obliterate with her live Webcast, GangBang 2000, on New Year's Eve.

Webmasters can add the video feed to their sites for a low monthly price based on bandwidth used. IGallery is also giving the feed away free to Webmasters who purchase HardCore TV for their sites. For more details, visit www.igallery.net