You want sex like right when you want it? Well, we can't give you that but you can get the next best thing, in Hawaii, anyway - video on demand is coming to Honolulu.

Time Warner is preparing to roll out video on demand services beginning in January, with Honololu the takeoff point, distributed by Oceanic Cable, a Time Warner subsidiary. So says CED's Marc Bruder, who adds that Time Warner's Viewer's Choice will start off by supplying five adult cable version features.

Those features include Crossroads (Wicked Pictures), Carnal Witness (Adam & Eve), Pleasure & Sin (Midnight/Dreamland), Mia (Metro), and Timeless (Passion Productions).

"(We're) the first licensor of adult movies to Viewer's Choice," Bruder says. "This is the first time you'll be able to watch a movie in your home immediately upon ordering it, just like you can do in a hotel." And he predicts there will be video on demand only in homes within the next three to five years.

"You want to see a movie on pay per view? You'll get a menu. Lets' say you pick adult and want to watch Debbie Does Dallas, now. Bang, in the home you'll watch the movie. You'll have the ability to fast-forward it. You'll have the ability to rewind, freeze frame - everything but copy the movie," he says.

Time Warner tested a video on demand service six years ago, Roadrunner, a high speed modem-based service, through its Full Service network in Orlando, Florida. Bruder says the incoming on-demand service is a further development from the Roadrunner tests.

"(It's) now true video on demand (for) homes," he says. "It's been in hotels, but it's never been in homes. Time Warner has always been involved in adult cable version programming, but this is the first venture of any cable operator of video on demand into the home."