Grand Jury Tells CCV They Don't Represent Community

In a major setback for Citizens for Community Values (CCV), a Clermont County grand jury decided not to issue an indictment against a motel owner for offering porn in his establishment. rnrn

This is the first grand jury to view a tape since CCV began its campaign to get porn removed from hotels. CCV sent tapes to local prosecutors requesting they prosecute hotels for offering "obscene" material. rnrn

County Prosecutor Don White said Wednesday that while he believes the movie, Lots of Filthy Sex - depicting multiple sex acts by various adults - is obscene, he has no plans to show it to another grand jury in the hope of getting an indictment.rnrn

"Prosecutors have a duty to take a look at complaints like this and then let a grand jury (decide.) The whole idea of this (law) is, what is the community standard? I am not the community standard. ... I have to find out what nine people on a grand jury think about this," said White. rnrn

The head of the CCV said his group is not deterred by the lack of an indictment. rnrn

The Red Roof Inn-Cincinnati/East-Beechmont continues to offer patrons adult movies.rnrn

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