Got the Talking Blue Blues?

Maybe Time/Warner couldn't keep ABC off the air, but they decided on yanking something else - they've yanked Talking Blue, the popular adult film-related program, from their cable lineup.

And it wasn't exactly an official company decision - a publicist for the show indicates a single program scheduler, Havier Moreno, pulled the show from its Monday night lineup.

Moreno, however, tells AVN On The Net it had nothing to do with the show's content. "They haven't supplied us with new tapes," he says. "We can't schedule anything without tapes."

It was the second time Talking Blue was yanked off the air, the first having been when San Diego's Cox Cable pulled it recently.

The show's producers are urging fans to call Time/Warner demanding Talking Blue be brought back on the air. If you happen to be one of those fans, you can call (818) 998-2281 to demand the show be re-scheduled.