Got Web Host Offering First Month Free on All Packages

Virtual hosting provider Got Web Host is offering the first month free on basic and SEO virtual hosting packages, effective at once and running through July 13.

The offer also includes a waiving of setup fees on all virtual hosting plans through the same date. But while the one free hour's SEO consultation will be provided on the SEO packages, it won't be provided until the new client's first paid month, Got Web Host said.

The company added that the offer cannot be combined with any other specials or discounts.

But Got Web Host is also providing virtual hosting plans for as low as $10 a month, with both one multitiered and three dual data center options available. And their SEO Web hosting plans are designed for companies looking to solve problems like Google's host-crowding penalties tied to search engine optimization, offering multiple Class C Internet protocols to their users.

Other Got Web Host plans include a New SEO Starter plan (two data centers, two name servers, two Class C IPs); Virtual Web Hosting plans (up to 15 IPs, 15 individual Class C IPs, multiple or private name servers, multiple data centers), Dedicated Server plans (up to 50 IPs, up to 10 individual Class C Subnets, multiple private name servers), customized packages with up to 33 Class C subnets available upon request, and streaming dedicated hosting plans with either BTN or multitier one-lines.