Got 'Pornstar Qualities'? Alibaba May Be Looking for YOU!

HANGZHOU, China—Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. has only been on the American scene since September of 2014, when it put together the biggest IPO in history, $25 billion. As of last October, it had nearly 30,000 employees, many of them programmers whom the company describes as "code monkeys," and we're guessing the growth potential is enormous. But that doesn't mean the company is above making a misstep or two.

One of those missteps was its recent advertisement for a "programmer encouragement specialist," seeking women who resemble Sora Aoi ("Blue Sky"), a Japanese adult star who's appeared in such dramas as Gun Crazy 4, Big Tits Zombie and Hormones, who "know how to praise the 'code monkeys,' wake them up and organize morning meetings," according to the ad, which has since been removed from Alibaba's website.

"It's not only an insult to women that such a job exists, it's also an insult to men, especially programmers,"  26-year-old former programmer Li Weiyuan told Bloomberg News.

Although Alibaba pulled the original ad, it's posted an updated one that opens the job position to both women and men, the latter of which applicants should be "eloquent" and have the personality traits of an "alien-like old man." The job description, while dropping the pornstar reference, still seeks women with the "feminine features" of South Korean actress Song Hye-kyo.

"We apologize to anyone offended by this ad," an Alibaba spokesperson said in an e-mail. "Alibaba is committed to providing equal opportunity and fair treatment to all employees on the basis of merit, without discrimination."

Well, as long as they look like actresses or "alien-like" old men!

Pictured: Sora Aoi.