Good for Her Accepting Submissions for Feminist Porn Awards

TORONTO – Sex-positive feminist retailer Good for Her is now accepting entries for the fourth annual Feminist Porn Awards. The awards recognize filmmakers whose work appeals to "women, couples, and marginalized communities."

Good for Her has a vested interest in the topic: As Canada's leading feminist workshop center and retailer of sex toys, books, and films, the store's mission is to create a comfortable atmosphere for men and women to learn about and explore their sexuality. Last year, the store issued awards for categories including Best Bi Scene, Hottest Straight Film, Deliciously Diverse Cast, and Boundary Breaker of the Year.

The winners will be announced in Toronto in April during a two-day celebration which will include a gala awards ceremony and a theatrical screening of the nominated films.

The official nominations period for the awards began Dec. 1 and will close Feb. 24, 2009. To be eligible for consideration, films should meet at least one of the following criteria: a woman had a hand in the production, writing, or direction of the work; the film depicts genuine female pleasure; or it expands the boundaries of sexual representation on film and challenges stereotypes.

Auteurs interested in submitting their work should send at least three DVD screener copies to:

FPA Nominations c/o Good for Her

175 Harbord St.

Toronto, ON M5S1H3


A complete list of past winners is available at