Good Vibrations Hosts Sex Worker Film Festival

Good Vibrations will kick off the San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Video Festival this weekend, in recognition of sex workers' influence on the arts and culture. The event will last from March 23-26.

This festival provides an opportunity to view new works by dancers, porn stars, call girls and call boys, as well as some of the best work by and about those in adult entertainment over the last decade.

Films and videos will focus on sex, prostitutes' rights, organizing efforts and working conditions for strippers, global sex work, porn, and more.

"Without the creative efforts of current and former sex workers, we would have many fewer great products to offer the public," says Good Vibrations Staff Sexologist Carol Queen. "We are extremely pleased to have the opportunity to showcase the connection between people in the sex industry and top-quality sex education, commentary and entertainment."

The 2003 Festival features a Sex Worker Rights Forum, a new Good Vibrations-hosted Sex panel series including a workshop on "How To Make Your Own Porn Film" , a Good Vibrations-hosted Midnight Sex Show and the "Sex Workers Sinema Awards".

Appearances by sex workers including Annie Sprinkle, Scarlet Harlot, Mihra-Soleil Ross and Duran Ruiz, as well as parties and, of course, plenty of movies at the Roxie Cinema.

For more information about tickets, which cost $50, and locations and times of individual events, panels, and performances click here.