Gene Threatens Slander Suit Against Bo

A photo on depicts Luke Ford sucking the cock of a man in a Hawaiian shirt who happens to be Gene Ross. Ross immediately called Bo of LGI to whom the site belongs. Ross told Bo the size of the dick depicted in the photo is demeaning to Ross since Ross' actual dick is much larger than the one betrayed and wants a retraction. Perhaps that was not the word to use.

G. Ross: "I must launch a protest. I've been slandered on your website."

Bo: "Oh my, God. Who did that?"

G. Ross: "You did that. Somebody did. There's a picture of Luke Ford sucking dick. That's me in the Hawaiian shirt. That is not my dick, I beg to dicker. That's another dick. That dick is infinitely smaller. I have been slandered by omission."

Bo [laughing]: "What can I say? I didn't realize that that was you. Do you want us to take it down?"

G. Ross: "No, just get your dicks right in the future. But this is an official public protest."

Bo: "Yours is bigger you say?"

G. Ross: "Absolutely. People know that Hawaiian shirt. They don't know that dick."

Bo: "I think that's Ron Jeremy's dick to tell you the truth."

G. Ross: "The other thing, is, what are you going to do about your supply of Ecstasy, now that Sammy The Bull Gravano got popped in Phoenix?"

Bo: "Did you beat me to that story? Last night we were watching that and we said we gotta write Bo's connection got busted."

G. Ross: "This, in effect, closes up your asshole?"

Bo: "Yes, it does man."

G. Ross: "This puts your rectum out of business."

Bo: "I don't know if I'm going to be able to go to bike week."