Gene Talks to the Journal; Star May Be Staying With Boyfriend

Wall Street Journal reporter Jeff Opdyke talked to Gene this AM. Gene chided Opdyke for The Journal's reluctance to use the word "gangbang." Gene also spoke to Opdyke Wednesday morning and informed the paper of Star's original intention to do a 2,000 man New Millennium gangbang. That honor now goes to Sabrina Johnson. Opdyke laughed about it and said The Journal's original story used the word gangbang and had some other colorful expressions that were later excised. "If there was an appropriate time to write those kinds of words in a story, this was it," said Opdyke. "But they got yanked out."

Opdyke was curious about Star's demeanor at the time of her interview with Ross this past summer. "She was very upbeat," Gene said. "Marylin is a talker, and once she gets going her tendency is to jump all over the place in a stream of consciousness; you have to reel her in back on the subject." Opdyke wanted to know if Star seemed upset because she was already under investigation, he said. "No, not all; you would never have suspected that," Gene told him.

Opdyke said the prevailing suspicion is that Star is holed up in Canada with current boyfriend Michael Gillies. "It's somebody she's been dating for awhile and is supposedly up at his house right now," Opdyke said. "There's 17 Gillies in Vancouver."